Tuesday, January 31, 2012


September 2 - Our biggest news for the whole year of 2011 was that our cute little Three Musketeers will soon become the Fearsome FOUR!!!
(I wish I would have paid attention to the fact that the words on the test were upside down when I took this...) The month before, we thought I was pregnant for a week or two, but every test I took was negative and I ended up not being pregnant. I was a little happy about that because our new insurance was not in effect yet that offered maternity coverage (Avery cost $10,000!!!) and so timing and money wise it wouldn't have been the best thing, but I was also so sad! I realized how much I wanted a new baby in our home!

So, the next month, I thought I was pregnant again, but I was really hesitant to take the test because I didn't want to be disappointed again. I waited so long that as soon as I took the test, it changed immediately to two lines! Which meant pregnant!!! We are so excited!!! Our insurance worked out perfectly and the baby will be a Spring baby - which I love! I don't have to be pregnant in the hot summer months or worry as much about sicknesses until they are a little bigger. And hopefully the kids will get to visit the hospital this time, since they didn't with Avery.
It seems like forever since we have had a little baby, so I sometimes wonder if I can go back to all the getting up in the night and all the STUFF you need to leave the house and all of that, but when I think of having a tiny one in our house again, I am SO excited!!! There are days when I wonder if I can be the mom of four. Sometimes I wonder if I am even a good mom to THREE! But, I realize that Heavenly Father can make me equal to the task if I seek his help. I am trying harder to do that! The only bummer about the timing of the news was that I couldn't ride all the rides on our trip to Disneyland, but I think it was a pretty good trade off. I'm sure we will make other trips to Disney and I have ridden them all before!
So...the 9 month journey begins! By my calculations, my due date will be May 4th, but since I have C-sections they will move that up a week, so we should have a new little April baby! We can't wait to tell the kids - They will be so excited!

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