Sunday, January 8, 2012


Way back when it was the summer time and we did lots of fun things. So many fun things I didn't have time to post them on our blog! So... I will now attempt the impossible and try to catch up, but we will see how that goes.

The 4th of July was a super fun and busy day! We did lots of celebrating and running around and had all the important holiday things - food, friends, family, fun and fireworks! We started out the morning dressing in some festive attire and taking some pictures because I am a mean mom and torture my children with the camera...
Aren't these guys cute?

Silly faces!
Cute twinner girls

After our little photo shoot, we loaded into the car to make the drive to Darren's parent's house (almost 2 hours) for a 4th of July breakfast and swimming. We had baggie omelets and strawberry stuffed french toast and french toast sticks. The kids loved hanging out with their cousins.
Rylee having some breakfast
Rylee and cousin Haley
Logan cleaned his plate! Miss Avery - She had on a white skirt, so I took it off for her to eat. And... we never found it. It somehow ended up in my niece's bag, but then she lost it. was a good thing we took those pics before we left!
Eating with the cousins
Then, it was time to hit the pool! My kids always love swimming - especially at Grandma's with their cousins. This was how they spent most of their day.
Gotta love those goggles!

Avery tried them on, too! Sorry...but goggles on kids are just funny!
Avery is double protected in her floatie and life jacket! She started off a little afraid of the pool, but then she was jumping in and going crazy! It was a good thing that Grandma and Grandpa had that little suit!
And then Rylee had a turn with the infamous goggles!
Swimming with Grandma
Then, it was time to make the LONG drive home. Luckily, a full day of swimming and cousins does this to my kids, so it was a nice, quite drive!
We got home just in time to head to our neighborhood BBQ. It was so much fun! There was lots of yummy food, tons of good friends and even more swimming for the kids. It was a great party and we had a blast!
Luckily, we found Avery a white skirt from last summer so she didn't have to go bottomless all day.
Chowing down!
What is the 4th of July without watermelon? Ry and some of her cute little neighborhood friends having a picnic
Avery loves her Otter Pop! Logan having a Popsicle after he got out of the pool.
Once it got dark, it was time for fireworks! Because there were so many people who brought fireworks, we had quite the show! Avery found a little friend to share her blanket with. We always joke that Avery and Oliver should get married because he is SO darn cute! It looks like they might be Ok with that.... They were really liking each other! If it works out, these might have to go into their wedding video as their first date.... hehe! They were running all over the backyard and Ollie was feeding Avery chips and then they watched fireworks on the blanket together. Darren told Avery to give him a kiss, and Ollie loved it!
Rylee and her friend Kylie watching the fireworks
Logan with some friends - Hallie and Hannah
So excited for the fireworks to start!
Avery loved the fireworks. They made her a little nervous, but she had her little neck up like this and said "pre-ey" (pretty) and "ahhh" most of the show.
Ry got a little nervous and moved by some of the bigger girls. She thinks she is as big as they are! Logan gets pretty nervous about this kind of stuff. He couldn't sit down because he was so worried the whole time.
And... then he ended up on Daddy's lap!
Once we got home, we finished off the night with a few sparklers. It wouldn't be the 4th of July without those, right???

Poor Avery had her first real try with the sparklers and ended up burning her fingers. I felt so bad because she didn't even really cry, so I didn't realize that she had really burned herself until the next day when she had a HUGE blister! Poor Baby! She is so tough though!

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