Sunday, January 8, 2012

Bear Lake

July 29 - Each year, one of our favorite summer activities is spending a day at Bear Lake. Every year, we also say that we are going to go there more than once, but that never seems to work out. This year we had heard about how high the water was and how most of the good beaches were under water, so we were worried about going, but we finally made the trip and had such a great day! We only got there once again, but it was so fun!
Daddy took the day off of work and we just got into the car and started driving...well, after a stop at our insurance office. We didn't tell the kids where we were going at all and they really didn't try and figure it out. Until the lake came into view! Then, they were so excited!
Oh, how I love Bear Lake! Isn't it just gorgeous?
Experimenting with my camera...
It took us much longer to get to the beach than it usually does because the beach we usually go to was underwater. The beach we went to was the only public beach. It was a little crowded, but not too bad. The kids couldn't wait to get out of the van and hit the beach! My little surfer man went straight for the water...He was quite bothered I made him take a picture first.
Rylee loves the beach but she especially loves digging in the sand and finding shells. She doesn't love the water as much.

And have I mentioned she loves to have her picture taken? She is quite the little poser!

And cute Avery loved it all! She loved splashing and digging and running around. She had a great day!
All my cute little babies. I made them take a couple pictures before they were all wet and cold and covered in sand and mud!
I don't know why it is so difficult to get pictures where all 3 kids actually look at the camera! I guess that is just going to get harder.... Avery's face in this one makes me laugh though.
This one makes me laugh, too.

This is the best we got!
Logan straight into the water, just like every trip to the beach. Splashing and having a great time
Rylee with her bucket and digging. Also, like every other trip to the beach. So funny how each of your kids is so different and has such different likes and personalities! It is fun to watch.

Avery wasn't too sure.... She hung out with daddy and put her toes in for awhile. It didn't take her long to get deeper though. She was loving it! The beach we usually go to is really shallow really far out, but this one got deep rather quickly, probably just because the lake was SO full! Avery didn't seem to mind. She was splashing and having fun rather quickly.
Being the friendly child that he is, Logan quickly made friends with our beach neighbors, whose dad and mom happened to go to high school with me. They offered to let him float on their tube for awhile and he loved it!
Ry getting a little braver and moving her bucket closer to the water
Avery loved it when Daddy would throw her!
Daddy and his girls wading out a little farther. Rylee finally got brave enough to try it and they loved playing Ring Around the Rosies and splashing together.
Once we got to Bear Lake, Logan kept asking if we were going to have a boat or waverunner, because when we went with Grandma and Grandpa two years ago, they rented a boat and borrowed some waverunners and the kids loved it. Logan kept complaining that he couldn't have as much fun without a boat or waverunner like Grandma and Grandpa had at the beach. He quickly made friends with the people next us on the beach, who happened to have a boat and also went to high school with Mom. He buddied up to them and then said, "I've only been on a boat once. Maybe today can be my second time." Little stinker! Such a mooch, but they offered to take him on a ride and Daddy and Ry went, too. They had a great time! A little embarassing, but they ended up having lots of fun. It was so nice of them to invite him and let Daddy and Ry go, too.
While the other kids and Daddy were on the boat, Mommy and Avery hung out on the beach. We made several sand castles and found LOTS of sea shells and Mommy played with her camera... a LOT! Isn't she a cute little beach bum???
Filling up the bucket for one of our many castles
The sun is just so bright....
She loved scooping up the sand and filling the bucket over and over.
When the others got back, we built more castles and played in the water a little more. I love just relaxing at the beach!
Logan was finding "minerals" in the water. I think he told us he found a diamond once, and then lost it in the water and was quite upset. I'm not sure what the so called minerals really were, but he was quite into finding them. Carefully retrieving his minerals...
Our Muscle Man daddy. He isn't going to like this on the blog...
Putting the finishing touches on one of our castle creations
Rylee is so funny on the beach. She just entertains herself all day and builds and builds and never complains or needs anything.
She is quite a good builder. She pays attention to lots of details and really likes decorating and creating her special castles. I love her little tongue sticking out. She is quite concentrated!
So proud of her work! A closeup of Rylee's castle - I love all the rocks and sticks decorating the top. They are definitely Rylee finishing touches!
Logan doing a bit of digging...BUSTED! This little stinker got caught stealing sips from Daddy's Diet Coke
Good thing she is so dang cute! Daddy doesn't like to share his Diet Coke...
Daddy also gave Logan a rock skipping lesson. It was hilarious to watch. Logan's form and technique were so funny and he was taking it very seriously. Pictures don't do it justice. Fortunately, I did get some good video.
Starting to wind down after doing some swimming - I think they were getting a little cold and tired and hungry... Cute beach babies all bundled up...
Ready to call it a day...

After 2 1/2 hours on the beach, lots of swimming and digging and sand, we decided to call it a day and get some food. First, I tortured them with a few more pictures. I am so mean!
Look at the tortured look on Rylee's face.... Finally a couple of smiles...

Can you tell they are freezing??? I love Rylee's expression! And.... They are officially done!
With Daddy
And with Mommy
And a couple pics of the whole family
So tired! The drive to get pizza took about a half an hour and Rylee and Avery were out just a few mintues into it. The beach really tires them out! Does she look pooped or what?
After a bit of a drive and a bit of a wait at the pizza place, we FINALLY got to eat! Yumm!!! We didn't order the HUGE one this time since there weren't as many of us as when we went with Grandma and Grandpa, but it was still good.

And no trip to Bear Lake could be finished without some famous Bear Lake ice cream. Mommy and Daddy had a famous raspberry shake and the kids got vanilla cones. I love that Rylee still has sand in her eyebrows and on her face. Rylee telling Daddy a story. Gotta love those faces. She is quite the story teller! Love this girl and her expressions!
The perfect way to end a fabulous summer day at the beach with the fam! Oh, how I love these guys and spending time with them!
Does that make you want a kiss or what?

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