Tuesday, January 31, 2012

September Recap

September was a VERY busy month for us! I think it was actually the reason that I got SO far behind on the blog. Here are a few of our random September activities and the best highlights.... Another month done! YEAH!!!
Sept 1 - We REALLY needed some haircuts before our trip to Disneyland, so the girls and I made a trip to visit Aunt Heather for the afternoon. It happened to fall on cousin Ethan's birthday, so we got to do a little celebrating, too. We got some Happy Meals and headed to the park by Aunt Heather's house.
Avery and Ethan - I'm never sure how much they really like each other... They always seem to, but they also fight a lot! Love this girl!!!
The highlight for the kids was the little duck pond. They loved chasing the ducks around!
The birthday boy and his Mommy
All the kids. Avery, Rylee and Ethan. Logan had school so that is why he didn't come along. Somehow, Aunt Heather talked me into staying and playing in her indoor soccer game, so our little trip turned into quite the day. It was a lot of fun playing - especially since Aunt Laura and Aunt Vanessa play on the same team. If I lived closer, I would love to play with them all the time! I had to wear Heather's shoes because I didn't have any. Hers were too small and I ended up catching my toe funny and ripped my big toe nail all the way back. It took forever for it to heal! It looked so gross!!! We also got to watch Uncle Jeff play flag football and have dinner with Grandma. Pretty busy day!September 2- Our biggest news for the month...and probably the whole YEAR... was that we found out we were expecting baby #4! We were SO excited and it was so hard to keep it a secret!
September 2nd - Miss Avery tried to comb her hair after our trip down to Heather's. She came home and told Daddy that Aunt Heather "pull her hair!" with quite the expression. However, I think she got herself into a far worse mess! September 3-5 - We spent the weekend camping with my family at their stake campground and had so much fun!
September 6 - The kids enjoying an after school snack with some frozen Go-Gurts in their playhouse. I just thought they looked so cute out there in their little playhouse. That is exactly why I wanted something like this for our backyard and it makes me happy that their Daddy spent so much of last summer building it for them! They look pretty deep in conversation... This summer we read a lot of the Magic Treehouse series together. It has made our playhouse that much cooler because these two love to be Jack and Annie (the characters from the book) and play out there. I love it!
September 7 - Rylee started Preschool! She was SO excited!!!
September 7th - Another one of Avery's famous messes! She decided to wash her hair all by herself....while in her clothes! She somehow finds a way to get into everything right now! Doesn't she just look like trouble?
Nice look! September 8 - Poor Rylee got really sick! I was especially worried because it was the day before we were leaving on our trip. I thought I would never get everything finished that I needed to do. I had to be so sneaky packing and things because it was a surprise from the kids. I had planned to pack the whole car while she was at preschool the next day, but then she got sick. Luckily, she is the world's easiest sick child. She never complains or whines. She just watches her movies and is so sweet and sleeps. Much easier than when Logan is sick! I felt so bad for her though because she had to miss her 1st day of dance class and her 2nd day of preschool and she really wanted to go! Luckily, no one else got the bug and she was totally better by the time we were really on the road and there was no throwing up in the car or at Disneyland! Sept 9-16 - We went on our trip to Disneyland. It was a surprise and we spent FOUR whole days in the park and had so much fun! We also went to the beach - I hope I can get all the fun posted soon. It was definitely the BEST trip we have ever taken as a family!
September 19 - While we were in Disneyland, the kids earned points to go souvenir shopping with. They were so excited about their treasures and couldn't wait to play with their new stuff as soon as we got home. Rylee picked a Pascal stuffed animal and this cute Alice in Wonderland set that goes with her Princesses the same size and came with LOTS of accessories - just her thing!
Logan picked a Star Wars lego set. No surprise there! Somehow, the worlds of Star Wars and Alice in Wonderland went together great and they played together so good with their new toys. I love when that happens! September 22 - Our daddy had his knee surgery on the 20th. Rylee was his best helper! September 24th - We went to the Aggie Homecoming parade. I think this is the first year that we haven't been to the game, but it was too hard with Daddy's knee. Daddy didn't make it to the parade either, but we went with some friends and then found a bunch of our neighbors there, too which made it much more fun. They changed the parade route this year and there was a lot of confusion. We were sitting on a side street where the parade was supposed to end, but some of the floats just stayed on the Main Street and never passed us, which was a little disappointing. We still had fun and the kids caught candy, so they were OK with it. Logan was pretty upset that he didn't see the Aggie football or basketball team though. The cute little neighborhood girls waiting for the parade - Savanna, Hallie, Rylee, Nikki and Eliza
And then Avery joined them
Logan and his buddy Carter - They really liked the Aggie band!
Doing the parade wave...
I love my little Aggie fans!CANDY!!!
September 25 - Avery turned TWO!!! We celebrated with a special Elmo party and cake and she LOVED it!
September 27 - Since Rylee started preschool, she loves to write! She made this letter for one of her friends telling her about all the princesses she met at Disneyland. Before she put it in an envelope, I stole a quick picture. The front said, "I went to Disneyland"The back said, "Jasmine, Ariel, Cinderella, Aurora, Snow White, Belle, Rapunzel" Those are all the princesses we met. I love her E's with the extra lines. Her handwriting is getting pretty good, too.
September 27 - Avery fell asleep in the car one day while we were doing errands. I thought she looked so cute with her legs crossed like this. September 27 - Rylee just wanted her picture taken. I am not one to argue with that. I think we had just been to the park so don't mind her runny nose and messy hair. September 27 - Rylee was Daddy's best nurse after his knee surgery. She was always bringing him things and checking on things and making sure that he is taken care of. Here she is taking his order or interviewing him. I'm not sure which because she did both quite often. Her interview was pretty funny! I think it is because sometimes I will ask her favorites or things for the blog, so she was doing the same with daddy. Favorite show, song, movie.... all that kind of thing. She also had to write down all the things he "ordered" from the kitchen and she loves to play restaurant. She LOVES to write or pretend to write and loves her little notebooks. I love how focused she is
September 28 - School picture day. These weren't my favorite - We ended up getting retakes.
September 28 - Another Avery mess! This time it was with my lip gloss. If you can't tell, the girl loves her cosmetics! She is always into my makeup and anything in the bathroom. She at least got close to her mouth.... I am pretty sure I have similar pictures of Rylee at the same age with the same messy lip gloss face!
How do you get upset at that little face??? September 28 - The kids discovered a demo on the Xbox for a new Elmo game coming out soon and wanted to try it. They loved it! Especially Avery! It was really cute and had lots of dancing and stuff and they were having a great time playing. And this is the middle of the day and yes, Avery is still in PJs. We spent most of the end of the month in PJs at our house. Don't judge! I was pregnant - Can I use that excuse for everything???
September 29 - Rylee's friend, Sky, invited her to a fun little Princess tea party. She got to wear one of her Princess dresses and have a special lunch. She chose her Tiana dress and for some reason wore an apron, too. They made cute little tiaras with their names on them and wands. Rylee was in heaven!!!
Lot of pink and lots of sparkle!Their lunch was a heart shaped sandwich and grapes and a cookie and punch in these special cups. Rylee was sure to drink with her pinky up! Thanks Summer and Sky for the invite! Avery and I stayed and enjoyed the party, too. It was so much fun!
September 29 - Rylee started her dance class! She has been so excited for so long! I think she is actually her second day of class, but I just loved her cute leg warmers. She makes a cute little ballerina.
September 30 - Poor Avery had to go for her 2 year check up and that meant shots. She is a pretty good baby when it comes to shots as long as they give her a sucker afterwards! She was a little sad for a few days though. Rylee came along, too and got her flu mist.
Showing off her band-aids. I need to find her stats so I can post them! She is just like Rylee was - Tall and skinny!!!

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