Sunday, January 8, 2012

July Recap

July is pretty much ancient history, but here is how we spent some of our fun summer. These are mostly just the everyday things that we did around the house and while we were just hanging out but they are some of the things I hope I always remember most.
July 5th - Logan got this new Lego Star Wars dictionary for his birthday and he is reading it pretty much all the time right now. He LOVES it! I think it was almost worn out by the end of the month.
July 5th - Logan and Rylee were fighting non-stop, which is pretty rare at our house. Usually it is the girls that fight! As punishment, they had to hold hands on the couch. Logan really wanted to get off the couch to go and play something (probably lego star wars) so he cooperated just great, but Rylee was not so happy. It made me laugh so I am mean and took a picture of them.
July 6th - I caught my girls being so sweet together - Rylee was tucking Avery in and reading to her. It doesn't happen all that often, but it was so cute! And Avery would NEVER take a binky when she was little. We just have a couple around the house that the girls sometimes use with their baby dolls, but Rylee insisted that Avery needed one to be her baby.... I hope she doesn't get hooked on them like Rylee!
July 6th - Logan got THREE of the exact same Lego set for his birthday, so we took them back and let him order something else. He searched the internet and was so funny about his shopping. He wouldn't buy any set that said 8-12 because he wanted to save them for when he was older. He found this Battle of Naboo set and HAD to have it and couldn't wait for it to come in the mail. He was up super early 2 or 3 days in a row and checked the mail box all day. He was so excited when it finally came!
July 7th - We tried out story time at the willow park zoo with our friends. It got a little long for the kids, but they had fun and loved meeting the owl at the end. It rained like crazy so we had to cancel our plans to see the zoo and my friend lost her keys, so it turned into quite the adventure in the rain searching the zoo! Luckily, we finally found out they were in locked in the car and no zoo animals ate them. Her husband came and rescued us, and we crammed all the kids into our van and watched a movie while we waited, which they loved. You should have seen the foggy windows! After our crazy adventure, we all headed to lunch, which was also interesting with six small children, but still a fun day! The above pic is Hallie and Rylee at story time.
Logan was very interested when the owl came out.
A real live owl - Pretty interesting! It was a good thing it ended with this because the kids were about to start a riot, I think! They read a LOT of stories for small kids and it was getting crazy in there!
July 7th - Rylee and her friend Savanna were upstairs playing so cute! They told me they were playing Princess Sisters, probably sisters because they couldn't decide who would be the mom. I am glad they compromised! They also had a pet lizard. I love watching the kids and their imaginations!
I can't remember the exact date on this one, but Logan was having a hard time getting to sleep one night. I was downstairs watching tv and he brought me this note. It made me laugh!
July 14th - Since we had such bad weather at our zoo Story Time outing the week before, we decided to try again. This time, the weather was much nicer and we actually got to go to the zoo, which was our first trip for the summer. Our friends, the Jensens, came along, too and the kids had a great time! We learned from our previous week to go a little late to story time so they didn't have to sit quite so long, but could still see the animal at the end. Then, we went straight for the zoo. This picture was when we saw the Bald Eagles. Logan immediately broke into the Pledge of Allegiance with his hand over his heart. I love this boy! He cracks me up. His friend Braden joined right in. Too cute! Here they are checking out the animals.
Rylee girl with her friend Katelyn in the background Feeding the ducks is always our favorite part of the zooI think this was Avery's first time to really participate and she loved it! I'm not sure if any of the food actually made it to the ducks though.
Checking things out from her stroller....
She loves the monkeys!
She IS a monkey! We had a great time on the playground after the zoo and then we finished the day off with a Happy Meal picnic! The summer is just so much fun!
Before we left, we stopped to see the monkeys one last time. They are so funny to watch climb all over. I think we could watch them all day!
Their best monkey faces....
July 14th - Another summer favorite is getting out the backyard pool. The kids love it and it is some great cheap entertainment at our house. Logan got in trouble for shooting the girls.... He got dunked!
Rylee just lounging in the pool. I think she is wearing the 3D glasses Logan got for his sidewalk chalk. Quite the fashion statement!
And quite the pose...
Avery got Logan's gun. Too bad she is too little to hold it up and shoot it!
Logan was doing a fountain show and writing USA in the air and singing - He was so funny! He had us all salute and everything. He had to announce everything very dramatically, too.
Catching some sun - Not sure why she is sitting in the chair like this.
Or like this....
Avery got a hold of those silly shades....
Silly girl!
July 19th - Another day of swimming in the backyard pool. Here is Rylee drying off after playing in the pool.
Another favorite activity this last summer was doing races around the house. Logan invented some kind of Olympics that seemed to happen at least once a week where we would race each other all the way around the house. The kids would race or we would time them or sometimes we would race them. It was another form of some good, cheap entertainment that they just loved for some reason! I love Avery running with her hands up like a little monkey!
Rylee going for a race. She always got a head start since she was littler than Logan.
Another summer project was our first garden. Darren built these boxes and we planted, but we lost a lot of seeds. We didn't get as much as we were hoping for, but we learned a lot, which I guess is good for next year. We did get the biggest tomato plant I have ever seen. It took over our whole garden! Darren also put in this path with the moss. Someday all our yard projects will be finished.... We had no idea how hard putting in a yard would be!
Avery found a worm while Mom was weeding. At first, she said "ross" (gross) and threw it, but then she couldn't leave it alone and she ended up ripping it in half! Yikes!
She was pretty fascinated by it, even when it was ripped in half. July 21st - The place by our house has REAL hawaiian shave ice, so we gave it a try! YUMMY!!! We didn't realize that it was going to be as BIG as the kid's head when we ordered it. They showed us the cup and it was tiny but then they added the ice and it was HUGE! The kids loved it! Don't mind Ry's PJs and hair. She had been kind of sick that day.
Thumbs up!July 22 - Another favorite summer activity was BBQing and eating out on our patio. The kids always thought it was a special treat and Logan has commented on several occasions that we should open our own restaurant because the food is SO good! Hehe! This night Avery ended up naked with one shoe and running in and out of the house with a very messy face and her bib like some kind of super hero cape. Definitely picture worthy!
Putting on her shoes. She LOVES to take shoes on and off and she always has to do it BY HERSELF!
What a cute little messy face!
July 24 - What better to do on a Sunday than make a fort and read stories?
They have the best and most fun Daddy!
July 24 - I put Rylee in timeout one Sunday morning before church, and when I went to get her, she was standing right inside the door with a bag all packed and this ball and as soon as I opened the door, she annnounced "I'm going to Mexico!"
She is so funny about Mexico lately. She is always telling us she is going there... Sometimes to run away and sometimes on vacations with her friends. I don't know where she got this from because we have never been there, but it is pretty funny!
July 26th - We went to the Splash Pad near our house for a park day with some ward friends. The kids had fun, but us moms were dying because it was so hot! There was NO shade at this park and it was a very warm day! Avery wouldn't go near the fountains - I think she was a little afraid! She never even got wet.Logan and Ry loved it though! They were running in and out and having a great time!
July 28 - One of our favorite July activities was a trip to Downata with some friends. July 29 - We also made a fun day trip to Bear Lake. July 30th - Saturday morning cartoons and cereal. I just love this - Them hanging out and waiting for breakfast. I love that they repositioned the bench so they could all sit there and see the tv. They really are the best of friends.... most of the time!
Oops... she spotted me with the camera.
Now they both know!
July 30th - Daddy's first soccer game! He finally found a soccer league up here and was so excited to play! This was his first game. It was the only game we got to see him play. We couldn't make it to his next one and that is when he tore his ACL. In only his second game! He was so sad he couldn't play! He looks pretty hot in action though.Oops...I meant to zoom this in... That is him kicking the ball.
July 31st - The girls were playing house together one Sunday before church. They were just being so nice to each other and so cute I had to take a couple pictures. Avery loves her sunglasses!
I love this get up that Rylee has on. She is so funny! That hat is supposed to be a chef hat, but for some reason, she always puts in on like a bonnet of some sort. She was also telling us about someone who died and she had to go to the funeral or something very dramatic.
Avery's face....
Somehow Logan manages to fit in some Star Wars lightsaber battles to whatever they are playing... I love their cute imaginations and I especially love when they all get along!

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