Sunday, January 8, 2012

Feast or Famine

Well, I finally accomplished some MAJOR blogging! After months of being a total blog slacker, I have posted a TON of stuff and finished up the month of JULY. Isn't that pathetic? I am blogging JULY!!! I have a goal to be totally caught up on the blog before baby #4 makes an appearance and I am making some pretty good progress. In my defense, I did start all of these posts in the month of August. They just sat there for a really long time. I am now over my morning sickness and I think I am finally over being completely overwhelmed and am ready to tackle this project, even if it is just for me.
I realize no one wants to scroll through all my million posts and pictures, so it is ok if you don't read any of it. I think only about 3 people read my blog anymore anyway. It is mostly for me and my kids. I am hoping I can get done soon and find the motivation to get all my books printed so I can have some tangible journals in our home. I want to be more caught up so I can catch the day to day things that happen instead of blogging six months in the past!
I wish that I could just let all this stuff go, but it is some major family milestones - birthdays, vacations, new baby.... I just can't leave it out!
My goal for this week is to get most of August done and to make at least 3 current more interesting posts than stuff that happened six months ago. I am hoping if I put that in writing it will make me more accountable. We will see....

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