Sunday, January 8, 2012

Pioneer Day

July 25th - Another summer holiday.... another parade! Pioneer Day fell on a Sunday this year, so all the celebrating took place Monday. We had a great time celebrating! We started out by going to a nearby parade with our friends, the Lifferths. We hate that they have moved away and we never get to see them, so it was really fun to get to hang out with them a little bit. This parade is one of our favorites because it is pretty short and the kids get SO much candy! They love it! Cute Rylee ready for the parade to startAvery practicing her parade wave
Rylee helping Avery get some candy
I don't think she really needed much help.... After so many parades this summer, she was a pro at scavenging the candy. She was a little hesitant to put it in the bag at first. I don't think she wanted it out of her hands, but she finally realized she could get a lot more and went with it.
Baby Kendal
Avery watching the paradeRylee's favorite part of any parade is the Princesses....
Ethan and his candy!
Ry and her FULL bag!
Logan showing off his loot!
Rylee and her cute buddy, OliviaLove these cute sisters! And Avery is smiling because she has a sucker in hand!
After the parade, the Lifferth's invited us over to their parent's house. We had a great time! They even let the kids (and Daddy) take a ride on their 4 wheeler! The kids loved it! Look how happy Avery is to "drive"!
Rylee and Logan take a turn. I think Logan would have rode these all day! We spent an hour or so just visiting with our friends. We sure miss them! Next, Daddy had to head off to work. He forgot that it was a holiday and didn't schedule it off and before he realized it, his day had filled with patients. Since Daddy was busy working, the kids and I headed to Ogden for Great-Grandma's yearly BBQ. We had a great time!
Swinging with Grandpa is always a favorite thing to do!
Grandpa flipping Avery around.... It makes Mom nervous, but she loves it and has no fear of all the crazy things he does to her.
Avery having some lunchUncle Kyle teaching Logan how to play croquet. He is such a nice uncle!
Grandpa taking a snooze with cousin Ethan
The kids with Great-Grandma! We love her and are so glad she has this fun tradition!
After hanging out for awhile, we headed home. Avery was being silly so I took a few pictures of her. She is officially 22 months on this day. Growing up so fast!
Cute little stinker!
We finished off the night with sparklers with Daddy. Logan and Rylee were pretending they had Harry Potter wands and were saying spells

Avery says "sparkar" and it is so cute! She says it every time she sees a firework. She burned herself on the 4th on her sparkler, but she did better this time and we were much more careful. She really liked it!

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