Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Just a Lazy Summer Day...

Aug 10 - I love the summer time when the kids can play outside and run through the sprinklers and there is no school and we just get to have fun! This is one of those days. The kids had some friends over for a playdate and they were having a great time entertaining themselves outside with the pool and just by being outside. I just watched for a long time and then grabbed my camera for awhile.
Logan and his buddy Braden just ran through the pool over and over again. They were laughing and having a great time. Their faces were so cute! Logan seemed a little worried about the spray of water every time he went.
Love this face! I think that hose water is a little cold. The girls got bored with the pool rather quickly. I don't think they liked the cold water and the boys were kind of dominating it by jumping in and out and spraying each other and the girls didn't really like that. So, they started pulling around this sled. I'm not sure how that came about, but they played like this for quite awhile.
Rylee and Katelyn pulling Avery
Then they started playing with sand. For some reason, I don't think they even got in the pool that day.
I spent some time playing with my camera and reading the manual and trying some new settings I never had before. These are with the portrait setting. I like this setting a lot! Still trying to figure out the million things on my camera! I had no idea there were SO many options!
This is with the close up setting. I like this one a lot, too.
Logan and Brayden came downstairs with no shirts and boxing gloves and announced that they were boxes from the 1970s. I have no idea where he comes up with this stuff!
The other kids all came inside and I couldn't find Avery. I was walking around the yard and found her in the garage with a bucket of sand. Then, she decided to try drinking the sand....
Her reaction was hilarious!
After lots of sun, the kids wanted to play inside for awhile. The girls decided to do some Play-doh and soon the boys were right there joining in. It was pretty fun to just sit and watch them ALL play something so good together.

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