Sunday, January 8, 2012

Fun with Friends

July 2 - Our really good friend's, the White's, came into town and we were able to meet up with them in Salt Lake. Even though their kids are a little older than ours, our kids have so much fun and get so excited to see them! We decided to spend our day at the Living Planet Aquarium in Salt Lake since they hadn't been there yet. Logan was thrilled since he had been there before and introduced himself as the tour guide for the day. He gave some pretty good commentary on each of the animals. The White's were loving it! Such a funny boy! Avery was a STINKER in the car on the way down and screamed for a good half hour! She made us almost rethink our planned Disneyland trip! Then, we handed her daddy's phone and she was all smiles the rest of the way!
Avery loved the aquarium. She was always right up against the glass looking at everything and had to climb up to see every exhibit and seemed more fascinated by it all than the bigger kids.
Avery loved this frog, too. She got really mad when another little boy climbed on it after this picture.
We have never really seen the octopus moving when we have gone before, but it was cool to watch. I couldn't use my flash, so the pics weren't very good, but it was really cool looking! I didn't know that octopus could change their color and texture to match their surroundings! We also learned that the only bone an octopus has is its mouth, so it can fit through any thing bigger than its beak. Pretty amazing!
The jelly fish were pretty fun, too. Rylee loved that they looked PINK!
Rylee loves trying to touch the sting rays. I think she almost fell in a couple of times! She loved this. Logan did NOT!
Avery wanted to try, too. She would get really excited until a sting ray would actually get close to her and then she would get mad when they would swim away.
Our favorite part was the penguins! I think we could have stayed and watched them all day!
Avery watching the penguins. She was LOVING it! She called them ducks though.
The girls looking at the GIANT anaconda. Logan would not even go close. Daddy actually made a joke about the glass disappearing like in Harry Potter because Logan had just read that book and he kinda freaked out! His whole body went stiff and he wanted NOTHING to do with it and we couldn't get him close at all. So funny! The girls were not even afraid at all and were touching the glass and fascinated by this big guy. Rylee and another smaller snake - She loves this stuff!
Our cute kiddos before we left
A family picture
All seven kids! This is pretty good for SEVEN kids in one picture - All smiles and no eyes closed! Spencer, Maddie, Avery, Logan, Rylee, Natalie and Hannah

After the aquarium, we went to lunch at the Mayan. It was kind of fun for something different, although the food is not great and it is WAY overpriced for what it is. The kids really loved the cliff divers and we had a great time visiting with our friends. I forgot to take pictures at lunch, but the kids loved this snake outside afterwards. I love Rylee's snake pose in this one! More snake poses.... Logan refused to get into the snake's mouth...
The boys visiting
The kids had some parachute guys that I think were the White's and they thought it was fun to climb up on the snake and throw them.

We had such a fun day! We really miss our good friends and love when they come to visit!

1 comment:

Kim McCann said...

Logan DOES NOT jump into danger like Rylee does. :)