Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Elmo Birthday Bash

September 25 - Avery had a cute little Elmo party with our family to celebrate her birthday. She was so excited and talked about her Elmo cake for weeks before the party! Ever since cousin Ethan had his party and had a cake, she couldn't wait for her turn. Her birthday fell on a Sunday, so we had her party after church and had dinner and cake and ice cream and, of course, presents! I can't believe how big she is getting!
The cute little birthday girl with her Elmo cake! I usually make the kids' cakes, but with Darren's surgery and just getting back from vacation and not feeling so well, we went with the Sam's Club cake this year. It was pretty much what I would have made anyway and it made things much easier and Avery loved it!
Gotta love that CHEESE!Here is a list of Avery's party guests: Mom, Dad, Logan and Rylee, Grandma and Grandpa Boman, Great Grandma Mary and Great Grandma Pauline, Uncle Dean and Aunt Laura, Aunt Heather and Uncle Jay and Ethan, Aunt Vanessa and Uncle Brian, Uncle Jeff, Uncle Brad, Uncle Kyle, Uncle Brian and Aunt Val and Madi, Parker, Spencer and Lauren, Uncle Kevin, and the Bladen's.
She looked so cute in her little birthday outfit and was so excited for her party!
Enjoying some dinner with cousin Ethan - They were really chowing down!
Cousin Lauren brought this Beauty and the Beast book with a CD and was so cute to share it with the girls. They loved it! She is 10, but she is so nice to play with the little ones.
Time to open presents! Avery was ready!!!
Ethan wanted to help...
Avery did NOT like that! This is the face he got!
Some play food from Aunt Heather, Uncle Jay and EthanI loved how Avery had to get every little piece of wrapping paper off her presents. She was very funny about that and had to get rid of it in a special place, too.
Cute new clothes from Aunt Heather, Uncle Jay and Ethan
A set of horsies from Grandma and Grandpa Boman and the boys. She has really been into horses lately for some reason.
A fun Elmo shape sorter see and say from Grandma and Grandpa BomanA Cinderella set from Great-Grandma Pauline with horsies! And the Fairy Godmother! We met her at Disneyland and she was one of the few people Avery liked and she loves her now. She says "God-Mother" so cute!
Rylee is coveting the Princess set a little, I think.
A Cinderella doll from Uncle Dean and Aunt Laura - It even talks! She loves it! An Elmo from Vanessa and Brian
All she wanted off of Great-Grandma Mary's present was the CHOCOLATE! It took some convincing that there was something INSIDE the present, too! She got a cute outfit and a new toy from Great-Grandma. And of course, the Kit Kat!
I don't think she is going to give up on opening that chocolate! It is a good thing that wasn't the first thing she opened or we would have never finished! She didn't give up.... and Yummm.... That chocolate was good!
Then it was time for the cake!
Such a Cheeser!Logan, Avery and RyleeWith MommyWith Daddy - He was on crutches since this was just a few days after his surgery
Ready to blow out the candles...
Happy Birthday to Avery...I think brother helped blow these out.... Look at his face!
Ready for some yummy cake and ice cream!
Some party decor...
The kids table having some cake and ice cream - Rylee, Avery, Carter, Logan, Ethan, Hallie and SavannaWe also had to sing to the OTHER birthday girl! Avery and Aunt Heather share a birthday! So, we sang to her and gave her her own cupcake! She is so nice to come and celebrate Avery's birthday even when it is her own!
That is some good cake!
Daddy enjoying his cake from his spot on the couch
After cake, it was off to play outside!
Playing Peek-A-boo through the windows with the kids outsideAvery got a Hello Kitty coloring book from the Bladen's and she couldn't wait to start coloring in it!
This little girl has SO many expressions! I just LOVE it!
Some of the party guests...
Uncle Kevin and Uncle BrianA little bit of football going on - Madi, Spencer, Logan, Parker and Carter
Savanna pushing Avery on the swing. She LOVES to swing!!! I think she had a good birthday - what do you think??? Love that smile!!!
The two birthday girls! Avery and Aunt Heather
I tried to get most of the party guests for a picture before they left, but it was a little crazy so I didn't catch them all.... Avery with Uncle Dean and Aunt Laura
Mom and Avery with Great-Grandma Mary
And with Great Grandma PaulineAvery and her handsome Uncles - Jeff and BradAvery and her best friend, Hallie! And some chips.... She asks to play with her EVERY day! Hugs from HallieAvery with Grandma and Grandpa BomanAvery with Uncle Kyle
Once things calmed down a little, Avery had lots of fun trying out all her new toys! Here she is telling Daddy about her new baby doll
Showing Grandpa how to put the shapes in the shape sorter
Looking a little bit tired
I love how much expression this baby has!
Our cute Party girl! She had such a fun day! Thanks for everyone who came to make her day more special. We are so blessed by great family and friends. And we are so blessed to have our sweet little Avery!

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