Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A New Addition!

This isn't OUR new addition, but an addition to our extended family! On September 1st, my sister had her baby - Ethan Scott Clark! He weighed in at 6 lbs 3 oz and was 20 inches long. We drove down the next day to see the baby and the kids were So excited!!! Especially Rylee - We also picked up my other sister to go with us and on the way, Rylee told us "We have to do 2 things. Pick up Aunt Nessa and hold Baby Ethan!" She was super excited! We also coached her that she can only hold the baby with help, since I am a little worried about how our own baby will survive and she did great to tell everyone that she can only hold Ethan if they helped her. As soon as we walked in the room, she wanted to hold that baby, but had to wait her turn. Here she is sneaking her first peek at Baby Ethan.
Sweet little cousins! Rylee loves baby Ethan!

Logan told me he didn't want to hold the baby before we got there, but once we were there, he was just as interested and sweet with the baby as Rylee. At least for a few minutes, and then he would be off eating the food off Heather's food tray and climbing all over the furniture!
Rylee was really excited to see Ethan's tiny feet and hands
Rylee getting a chance to hold Ethan - She is in heaven!

Logan's turn
Such cute boys!

Ethan is already 3 weeks old and growing like crazy! He is adorable and I am so excited for my sister and her hubby! They are loving their first sweet baby and my kids were so excited for their first cousin on my side of the family.

I THOUGHT this would be the perfect trial run of the whole baby and hospital thing for my kids, but unfortunately, I found out this week that my kids will NOT be able to visit me in the hospital. Due to swine flu concerns, the hospital has a policy of no visitors under the age of 14. I was SO upset at first (and still am...) and had a major breakdown and lots of crying. The kids were so sweet about it - They saw I was crying and wanted to comfort me and when I told them why I was upset, Logan told me, "Its Ok Mommy. Your dr will be there to take care of you." I don't think they really get what it means that they won't be able to visit me at the "hopsital" as Rylee calls it. It wouldn't be that bad if I had regular deliveries, but with a C-Section, that is a long time for me not to see my kids and for the kids not to meet their new sister. I understand that there is a need for precautions right now, but I am just so bummed! I feel like the siblings should be the FIRST ones to see the baby, even before grandparents, because it is THEIR life that is being affected so much. I was looking at the pictures of when Logan came to meet Rylee and that made me cry even more - It was such a special thing and I am bummed my kids won't have that experience. I guess they will have it when she comes home, but they will have to wait for a few days. I am also so bummed because I bought the kids the cutest little BIG brother and BIG sister shirts, as well as some fun surprises for when they visited the hospital. Darren reminds me that I am probably so upset because I had everything planned out the way I wanted it and now I won't get to have it that way, which is probably part of it, but I still think it is sad. Maybe I will get a little more rest in the hospital, but I would much rather be able to see my kids. I have so many new worries and concerns now - Will the kids resent the baby more? Will they do OK with having me gone so long? Will they still bond with the baby? Hopefully, when I come home from the hospital they will still be excited to meet the baby and they will have a special experience then.

1 comment:

Clark Family said...

dang my baby is adorable.