Sunday, September 13, 2009

Bear Lake - Day 5 - Back to the Beach

On Wednesday, we went back to the beach for some more fun! This time, Darren got to stay all day and my sister Heather and her hubby Jay came, too. My dad and Kyle were gone for Scout day camp though. We actually were never ALL together on this trip, but everyone made it for at least a day.
The kids were SO excited to go back to the beach again! They didn't take long to go straight into the water and start their mudfights and sand castle building again. I loved Rylee's cute braids that my sister did - I am not so good with the hair stuff but my sister is and it worked great for the beach!
Jumping in the water and splashing is so much fun!
Logan running through the water and being a little crazy
Rylee following her brother's lead - I love her funny face in this picture! Can you tell she is happy to be back at the beach?
They love the beach!
Chilling in the tube. They had their uncles and Daddy pull them around in this for awhile.
What a cute Cheetos face!
Rylee and Laura playing horseshoes. Since Grandpa was gone, Rylee made Laura do everything she wanted! She is good at finding someone to let her boss them around and do everything she tells them to do! She LOVES soon to be Aunt Laura!
Logan and Rylee had fun sword fighting with these noodles and pretending they were riding them like horses.
The beach bum!
Darren took Logan for a little ride in the kayak. Logan really liked it - I think the speed was better for him than the jet ski!

Rylee loved the water and sand! She didn't mind getting dirty and rolling around in the sand and loved splashing in the water, too.
Building a sand castle with daddy
Yes...I was there, too! I am not in many of the pictures, but I was there and even helped with the sand castle, too.
Daddy did convince Logan to give the jet ski another try and he did a lot better this time. Darren let him steer and he thought that was pretty great!

Rylee took another ride, too but I don't think it went much better than the first time out! She still wanted to "go back to her uncles"
Rylee and Daddy heading out

Rylee back to the sand and water!
Logan loves to build sand castles!
Isn't that the cutest face?
After a LONG day at the beach, (we stayed past 3 in the afternoon and we were tired!) we stopped for a famous raspberry shake on the way back to the condo. Poor Rylee missed out because she was asleep! Logan loved it though! We stopped at a different place than we usually go to and it wasn't the best shake I tried.... I guess not all the "famous shake" places are the same! After a shake, it was back to the condo for naps, dinner and chilling out!

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