Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Her Name Is....

In case you haven't heard, we named our sweet baby girl
We are now home from the hospital and I am adjusting to life at home with 3 little ones and on the road to recovery! Avery is the best little baby. She rarely cries and sleeps so great - We will see if that lasts. She has a very mellow personality and reminds me of Logan as a baby.
The kids were very excited for us to come home and meet Avery and are doing pretty well with her so far. Of course, Logan was more excited to see my stitches and scar than me, but he I think he is happy to have us home. No one has tried to pick Avery up alone or anything too dangerous yet and Avery is surving all the loves pretty well. There has been a little bit of jealousy, but nothing like I was expecting and Logan and Rylee both adore her! They do frequently tell me to "put her down" and have a lot of curiosity about how Avery eats - Logan asked why she was eating from my elbow, then looked closer and asked why she ate from my pecs. So funny!
We are so happy to have our new addition - I can't get enough of her and her sweet snuggles and can't seem to get much done because I never want to put her down! I love just laying her on my chest and watching her sleep - She is so sweet! She is starting to be more alert and looking around more and more. They grow up much too fast!!!
I have lots of pictures I need to post, but I can't find the camera cord, so the will have to wait.


Jenn said...

I bet she is gorgeous- your kids are so dang cute. Congratulations! I wish I was near you so I could offer to help out!
I'm really REALLY glad to hear you're doing so well. I'm terrified of ever having a #3. So I'm glad it's working for you :)

Clark Family said...

We're happy all went well. And so happy to have Avery here!