Thursday, September 24, 2009

Preschool stuff

Logan is loving preschool! He really looks forward to Tuesdays and Thursdays and gets really excited about school. He loves all his friends and has become very social from his interaction at school. He has always been a friendlylittle boy, but since he started school he has become much more so - Whenever we go to the park or somewhere, Logan will go right up and introduce himself to other kids and then invite them over to our house. It gets a little awkward sometimes. Logan is learning lots and is working on writing lots of letters and loves all the songs they sing at school. His favorite is a cute little song they sing about shapes.
Each month, all the kids take a turn for show and tell, or sharing. The theme for September was for the kids to bring something about themselves. Logan chose to take his Beckham, which is his favorite stuffed animal that he almost always sleeps with. He was a little nervous for sharing for some reason, but did great and also got to be the teacher's special helper that day. He also took the snack for the day and chose to take chocolate chip cookies, which was perfect since they were learning about the letter c.

I also went on a little field trip with Logan's class on September 22. They went to the dairy farm near our house since they are learning about the letter M and milk. Probably not the greatest place to go when you are days away from having a baby, but I didn't know if I would be able to go on any other field trips for awhile, so I decided to go and Rylee came along, too.
We got to go in and see the cows hooked up to the milkers. I was helping with kids so I didn't get to take photos, but this is Rylee covering her ears as we walked through the building after seeing the cows. She didn't like the noise at all.
The highlight for the kids was seeing the baby cows and feeding them a bottle. Some of the cows wanted nothing to do with the kids (Can you blame them? I would run from a big group of preschoolers who wanted to stick something down my throat, too.) Others would let the kids pet them. The kids loved it! Especially Logan - he was right up there by all the cows talking to them and trying to pet them.
Logan petting one of the more friendly cows
Logan feeding the cow a bottle
He LOVED this!

Me helping Rylee feed the cow. She tried to do it herself, but the bottle was pretty big for her to hold by herself and the cow got impatient and licked her hair. Rylee was mortified!!! She was freaking out and kept saying "The cow licked my hair!" In her defense, it was pretty nasty. The cow was so slobbery and her hair was all crusty and gross! Still to this day, she tells people about the cow licking her hair at the dairy farm! The only way she would try again was if I helped her.

Logan and his preschool class with the nice lady from the dairy farm who gave us the tour. Not too easy to get preschoolers together for a picture....

Me and my kiddos! We survived the dairy farm and all those preschoolers, even 39 weeks pregnant!

After the cows, the kids got to check out this tractor. They thought it was pretty cool - especially the huge wheels! Once again, not so easy to get pictures of that many little kids!

One of the moms had the idea to have all the kids touch a tire - It made the picture work a lot better! We had a great time! Can't wait for the next field trip - Hopefully, the next one one smells a little better!!!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

How do you have time to blog? You are AMAZING! How's the new one? You are amazing. I love these pictures. Wow. I miss my town.