Monday, September 14, 2009

Bear Lake - Day 6 - Boats, Beach and Pizza!

Thursday was another fun day at the beach! You would think my kiddies would get tired of it after 3 days there, but they were still going strong! My brother, Dean, was able to come up for the day and we were excited to see him, especially since it was his birthday! We always end up spending his birthday on vacation, but he is a good sport about it. We also got a boat for the day, so that added to all the fun! Jay had to leave for work and my poor sister Heather spent the morning puking! She gets really sick with her pregnancy! We picked up a prescription for her and then headed off to our spot on the beach...again! Heather felt better after her medicine and joined us a little later in the day. All ready for another day at the beach!
Cute brother and sister holding hands!
I love this picture of Ry
Rylee working on her sand castle
Grandma and Grandpa brought horseshoes and this ladder golf game. (I think that is what this thing is called). Logan had a great time playing with them. He bugged everyone all morning until he got them all set up!
Rylee working on her sand castle
They worked together so great on their sand castle - They looked so cute!
After my brothers and sisters got back from their turn on the boat, we got a turn to go for a ride. The kids thought it was really fun, but were a little nervous about how fast the boat could go! Especially with Grandpa driving!
Me and Logan riding on the boat
Darren skiing - My sister got some better action shots, but I still haven't gotten them from her. He had lots of fun skiing! I was pretty bummed that I couldn't ski! I probably haven't skied since before I had Logan, so about 5 years. Maybe next time....
Darren also gave the wakeboard a try, but he never quite got the hang of it, so he ended up skiing.

I love this picture of the kids riding on the front of the boat!
Darren asked the kids if they wanted to jump off the boat and swim with him. I didn't think they would EVER do it, but they were excited about it and jumped right off the side and swam for awhile, even in the freezing Bear Lake water! Rylee was even doing backfloats. They had a great time!
Logan loved driving the boat with Grandpa - It was probably one of his favorite parts of our boat ride!
Rylee working on filling up her buckets
Rylee playing with Grandpa - She loves it when he swings her over his shoulder even if it looks a little scary!
I think this is the best one I got of Logan - Isn't he handsome?
Darren playing with the ladder golf game. He and Logan had lots of fun with this thing.
Logan concentrating on his sand castle
Rylee playing in the sand.
We wanted to take the kids on the tube in the boat, but I wasn't really sure that they would like it and everyone was out on the boat for most of the day, so we tried it on the jet ski. The kids were a little nervous! I tried to ride with them, but I made it a little too lopsided and it wasn't working, so I finally just let Darren take them out. They mostly went in little slow circles, but they really liked it. It made me a little nervous - especially since I could barely see Rylee's little head in the tube to tell if she was still there. Logan even started to get pretty brave by the end and wanted Daddy to go faster!
It was hard to get Rylee out of the water at the end of the day. She was loving the beach!
My beach baby!
She is ready for her first photo shoot!
She is looking pretty tired, but still doesn't want to get out of the water!
Logan looking a little tired, too.
One last beach picture! Can you tell that they are having fun?
Logan had a fun day! He loved singing Michael Jackson on the way back to the condo. My brother, Jeff, is obsessed with Michael Jackson, now that he passed away, and he played the CD constantly and Logan learned pretty much all the words. It is hilarious to hear him sing it!
Rylee crashed out again as soon as we got her out of the water. I think she had a little too much fun and sun!
For dinner that night, we went out to Bear Lake Pizza to celebrate Dean's birthday. It was a little stressful, as it always is with that many people, but lots of fun!
The birthday boy and his cute fiance, Laura! We are so excited for her to be a part of our family! (Even if she is wearing a Utah shirt....)
The whole fam and our HUGE pizza! I can't remember how many inches it was, but it was BIG!
Me and Rylee chowing down!
Cute Logan LOVING his pizza! It is his favorite!
Rylee and Uncle Jeff - I love my little cheeseball and she always wants to have her picture taken!
Rylee wanted her picture taken on this bench, too.
The kids got one of their aunts or uncles to put a quarter in the little carousel so they could ride. Here's Rylee...
And Logan!

And Jeff thought he should ride too! He is about 6 foot 2, so he doesn't fit so well...
After dinner, we went back to the condo for some birthday cake! My kids were very excited to sing happy birthday to uncle dean and have some yummy cake! They love their Uncle Dean and he is always so cute with them. We were glad he got to come up and spend time, even if it was only for one day!

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