Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Home Stretch!

I have now reached the 38 week mark and am on the home stretch to baby! I only have a few days left! Crazy!!! I am SO excited for the baby, but I am also extremely nervous, anxious and a million other emotions. I went to the Dr on Wednesday and still really no changes. I gained 2 more pounds, but that was about it. The Dr is estimating that this baby is going to be pretty good sized, so I guess we will see - She sure is feeling that way! She is VERY active at night right before I go to sleep and my stomach will bounce and move in just about every direction. It keeps Darren and I quite entertained! No wonder I have stretch marks! Sleep is getting harder and harder for me, and I have to have about 4 pillows positioned just right to fall asleep, but once I am asleep I do pretty good and I don't have too many other complaints. I have one more appointment where they will preregister me for the hospital and all of that and the baby should arrive Friday, if all goes as scheduled.
This week Rylee was sitting up on my lap and said something about "when the baby is here, there is no room for me." I don't know if she was referring to the fact that I no longer have any lap or to after the baby comes, but it made me a little sad! I have a hard time just before the baby comes feeling guilty about what it will do to my other kids. Does anyone else do this? I feel like I am taking away their childhood or something. I don't know....It is hard to describe! I am really excited for this baby and she is something that we really wanted, so I don't want to sound like we are not wanting her, I just feel guilt because I think Moms feel guilt about everything, right? Maybe it is too soon or maybe I am not going to be able to give each of them the right amount of attention. I don't know - it is just hard for me. I did the same thing when Rylee was born and felt sad for Logan, but I see that he is just fine and doing well with a sibling and they are so happy to have each other, but I just can't help feeling that way. Any time there is change, I just think it is hard, at least for me! As soon as she is here though, I am sure that will go away and she will fit right into the family and I will feel guilty about something else.
Still no name - Maybe the time at the hospital will get us to talk about it and make a decision! I think we are pretty decided, but we just haven't talked about it enough to be sure.
I am actually feeling pretty ready. I am sure that will change by the end of the week. My fabulous mother came yesterday and helped me get the nursery and spare room in order and do some cleaning. She mopped my floors, which is hard for me right now and some other things, so I am feeling better and more prepared! Now just to finish up some last things and baby will be here! It is still crazy to think that soon I will be a mom of 3! That number is quite intimidating to me!!! Any pointers from experienced mothers??? I am always looking for tips! Some days I think that 2 is more than I can handle, so I am not sure what I will do when I have more kids than arms!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Hey I have been reading all your post, you are super woman for getting that all documented, I stink at that. Congrats on being so close to your due date, we are excited for you guys hope everything goes great. We will not care at all if you go with the same name as us, I noticed you were not putting any of them out there yet, but it is a cute name and not that common and some people think it is a boys name, but whatever. I so had mom quilt before she was born so you are not alone. Good luck hopefully we will see you soon.