Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I had my 10 year reunion on July 18. We had to rush home from Bear Lake, then get up early the next morning to drive to Layton. It was a busy weekend! It is so crazy to think that 10 years has gone by and think of all that has happened since then - a college degree, getting married, moving several times and 2 1/2 kids! Planning the reunion was one of the biggest stresses of my life! I was in charge of finding as many classmates as possible and it was a much bigger job than I expected! I wouldn't have minded doing it so much if I didn't have to deal with all the complaints and no one seemed to be happy, no matter what we planned. We ended up doing something much more simple than our original plan to keep costs down, and it was fine but not really what we had hoped to do. All in all, it was a pretty good event and something I am VERY happy to have over with for at least the next 10 years.
In the morning, we had a family picnic at the park. Everyone could come and bring a lunch and their families and hang out. I think this ended up being the most fun of the whole reunion. My kids had a great time!

Logan and Rylee hanging out with their good buddy Sky, my friend Summer's little girl. They had lots of fun playing on the playground and running around.
Rylee and her friend Sky look so cute posing together! A couple friends - Travis and his wife Trisha and my good friend Lacey and her little girl Rya. I really wish that we would have had a better turn out for the event, but it was really great to catch up with some of the good friends that were there. These guys were also big helps to me and AJ in putting the reunion together! A group of girls from high school at the reunion - Everyone was kind of doing their own thing and visiting so I didn't get too many good photos. I felt a little wierd walking around taking pictures, so I didn't take too many. Sky and Rylee again! They are such good little buddies!
Rylee in the swing!
The evening event was a dinner at the Davis Conference Center. It was a nice time, but not really what we had hoped to do and once again, I wished we would have had better attendance. My sister came and took photos for me but I still haven't gotten them back from her. This is the only one I took on my camera - It is AJ, Lacey and me at the reception table. My porr husband suffered through the whole thing, but luckily we were able to sit by my friend, Eric, who Darren had met before, so that made it a little better. It was a semi-formal dinner, and it was quite entertaining to see what some people chose to wear and see how much some people had changed! Of course, being 7 months pregnant, I wasn't too excited about dressing up and didn't really dress up too much. My favorite part of the whole night was actually after almost everyone had gone home and sitting with a group of girls and listening to some of their funny stories from high school as we looked through the yearbook. Good times! Thanks to everyone who attended or helped me out! I really appreciate it! Hopefully, I will forget how stress it was and still do a 20 year reunion!

1 comment:

The Ollies said...

Hey! I love the pics of Sky and Rylee together--so cute! I need to get those from you (or maybe I should just download them here?). Tell Vanessa to hurry up! The only pictures I've seen from the reunion are the big group ones on facebook!