Sunday, September 20, 2009

First Day!

I meant to combine this post with the last one, but for some reason I didn't, so this is a little more of the last post. I now have a preschooler!!! Logan started his first day of school on August 25th and he was SO excited all day and for many of the days leading up to it! He goes 2 days a week for 2 hours and 15 minutes and it has been really great for him and me, although I really miss having him around. Here are some photos of my handsome guy looking grown up and ready for school!

I love that smile and those eyes! I can't believe that we are already doing school! It seems like he was just a little guy! All morning I kept asking him what he thought preschool would be like and what they would do there and he just kept saying "I don't know. We'll just have to see." He was getting pretty bugged by me asking and I think he thought "How am I supposed to know? I haven't gone yet!" He did mention taking an apple for his teacher, but then I think he was so excited about going, he totally forgot!

Classic backpack picture! He doesn't really need a backpack but he sure looks cute with one and thinks he is so grown up with it!
Ready to go! I kept thinking he would get a little nervous, but nope! He was just excited!
Logan and Rylee - I thought that poor Rylee would be lonely with Logan off at school, but she LOVES it! Once Logan is gone, she has me to herself and she couldn't be happier about the one on one time! Of course, she soon will have to share with the baby, but I am going to try and make sure she gets some special time, too since she loves it so much. The first day of school, me and Rylee had a really fun tea party (she loves those!) and on some of the other days, we have watched Princess movies that she usually doesn't get to choose with Logan around and gone shopping, which she LOVED! She gets up most days and asks if Logan has preschool and as soon as we drop him off, she is asking to go somewhere or do something. She has big plans for these days! Darren gets home a little before Logan on these days, and Rylee can't wait to run to the door and tell him that Logan is at preschool and remind him that she has him to herself!
Me dropping Logan off! I walked him to the door, and he was gone! He wasn't sad at all, which made it both easier and harder for me. It wasn't hard to leave since I knew he was happy and excited and I didn't feel bad because he was screaming or something, but I felt a little sad that he didn't care if I was there. He doesn't need me anymore! When I got in the car, the Kenny Chesney song "There Goes My Life" was on the CD player and I did shed some tears! I can't believe that we are already to this stage and I'm sure the other stages of letting go are going to come up much quicker than I would like, too!

Logan headed straight to the letter board when we got to preschool. He was right at home and quite excited to check everything out. After the first day, he doesn't even usually want me to walk him in anymore. He just hops out and goes right in! We were a little late to pick him up one day and he told us "I was so worried about you!" He wasn't even the last one to be picked up, but he was still a little stressed about us not being there right when he came out. In a weird way, it made me feel a little better that at least he still needed me a little bit!
Here is Logan with his first art project from his first day. They were doing some stuff about cars for the first week ("Start Your Engines for Preschool") so they made these paintings with little cars and it has tire tracks in the paint. He also got his special preschool license. He is so funny when I ask him about what he did at school - He really doesn't say much. The only thing he told me they did on the first day was play Hungry, Hungry Hippos. That was apparently the highlight! As a matter of fact, it was the highlight for a couple of days, and then one day, he said "I didn't get to play Hungry, Hungry Hippos!" I was a little worried this is all he was doing, but he has started to tell me a little more and I can tell that he is learning. He brought home a paper that he had written his name on it and one with the letter C not too long ago and he can sing a cute little song about shapes and a few others. He also likes to tell me about his treats and his classmates and the books they read. I usually have to ask him a lot of questions, but he will eventually tell me several things about his day. His teacher said that he is great to have in class and is always all smiles and very friendly. She was also really surprised when he read the word "cat" on the board. Logan is loving it and looking forward to his first turn for show and tell coming up soon and the first field trip!

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