Friday, September 4, 2009

36 Weeks

Time for another baby update - Sorry for the excessive baby updating! This is mostly so I have things to write in the baby's book, so feel free to skip this post!
I had my first appointment where they checked me this week and I have not started to dilate yet - Not surprising since I never have before. The Dr also feels like there is no reason to move my C-Section up which makes me a little worried, but what can you do? He probably knows best, but I am a little worried about it since my last doctor advised me to have the baby 2-3 weeks early. I guess we will see how things go. Now it is on to weekly Dr appointments, which I hate! I also lost a pound this week, which is probably good after my 6 lb gain! We are still at about 23 lb weight gain.
My sister had her baby this week! Yeah!!! We are very excited for her! My kids were so excited to go to the hospital and see little Ethan. It was a great practice run and they are getting really excited for our baby now and asking lots more questions. When we were getting in the car to drive down and see the baby, Rylee said, "We have 2 things (I think she meant we have to do 2 things). Pick up Nessa (my sister went with us) and hold Baby Ethan" Funny girl! My sister was feeding him when we got there and she was so upset that she didn't get to hold him right away. She was very excited. She did keep saying though "I can only hold Baby Ethan with help." We have been coaching her on that lately a LOT! Hopefully it works! She did pretty good though and was really gentle. Logan kept telling me he didn't want to hold the baby, but once we got there, he was very sweet with him and took a turn, too. I think he will be more into when it is his sister, but I guess we'll see. Rylee does enough smothering for the both of them anyway! They are getting much more interested in the baby moving and all the baby stuff and the baby's room and when the baby will finally come so it is getting more exciting!
We also had to go for Logan's well check this week and both kids had flu shots. They did great! Logan has been asking more questions about how the baby is born and I told him that I have to have a big shot, too and stitches. He said, "Don't worry Mom. I will hold your hand in the hospital" since that is what Darren did when they got shots. Now they both tell me all the time that "it will be OK. I will hold your hand when you are in the hospital." Such sweet kids! Can't wait to see Baby #3!!! Well...I can wait a little! I still have SO much to do!!!

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