Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Logan started another session of soccer last week. His new team is the Lightning and Logan seems to be a little more into it this time around. He runs after the ball a little more and stays focused longer than in the past, although he is really into falling dramatically whenever he gets the chance, and talking trash and bumping into the players on the other team. Last week when I went, he pushed a kid onto the wrestling mats in the corner.
I missed Logan's game on Tuesday since I had just gotten home from the hospital and when I talked to Darren on their way back, he said Logan had exciting news! Logan came in to tell me that he had scored his first goal! And not just 1 goal, 3 goals! The only bad part is that one of the goals was for the other team... He was SO excited and came in and told me "I scored 2 times!" and then told me that he even scored another one but it went "the wrong way" or something like that.
Darren said that he didn't even see the 1st one Logan scored - he wasn't looking - but that was the one for the other team and Logan came up and told him that he did it, but it was the wrong one. The next goal, Darren kind of positioned him in front of the goal and he was able to score one and was so excited! His last one was a pretty lengthy kick across the field. Darren said after he scored each time, it took a little bit for it to register that he had scored and then he got really excited! I have been to EVERY game for 3 sessions and the first time I miss one and am not there with the camera, he scores! I was so excited for him, but a little bummed! I will probably only make it to maybe one more game this season, so hopefully I can see his skills then! Way to go Logan!

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