Friday, September 4, 2009

Bear Lake Day 3 - The Beach

On Monday morning, we headed straight for the beach at Bear Lake and we were pretty excited! It was such a fun day! My kids LOVED digging in the sand and playing in the shallow water and I have decided Bear Lake is the BEST beach for little ones! The water is shallow for a really long time, so they can play without me having to worry too much and it stays pretty warm since it is so shallow. My kids were in heaven! And since it is up in the mountains, it wasn't too hot for them or for me! My sister Heather and her hubby had to go back for work Sunday night so we were a little smaller in numbers. Darren also had to leave that morning to go to work Monday and Tuesday, (it is nice that his office was only 45 min away) but he spent an hour or two at the beach with us before he headed for home. My mom had borrowed a jet ski and some kayaks so we had lots of fun toys for the beach and had a fun, long day! The kids were exhausted by lunch time and I think most of the rest of us were, too. I also got a nice sun burn to show for my day at the beach.

Here are the kiddies all decked out for the beach! I thought the hats would be a good idea with all the sun, but they didn't last long! Cute beach baby Rylee before she covered herself in dirt and mud!
Checking out the lake - They were a little unsure at first but that only lasted a minute or two!
Testing the waterHandsome Logan
Logan testing his kayaking skills on shore
Darren wanted to take the kids on a ride on the wave runner before he had to leave for work. He had to drag them kicking and screaming! They were pretty nervous about it. Logan did not want to go too fast and had fun on his ride, but then would not go again! By the end of the week, they thought it was more fun, but they weren't too sold at first!
Logan's 1st wave runner ride - He survived it!
My brother Jeff trying out the kayak.
Brad - They didn't last too long out in the kayaks probably because I don't think they really knew how to paddle and steer them
Daddy and Rylee ready to give the wave runner a try
There they go! Rylee kept telling Darren to "take me back to my uncles". She wasn't real excited about riding either.
Logan going for a spin in the kayak. He liked the speed on this better...
Rylee walking around with her beach umbrella - Silly girl!
Rylee playing in the water - She loved her life jacket and figured out how to float all around in it in the shallow water.
Logan trying out Uncle Kyle's goggles. Bear Lake is a great beach, but not such a great place to snorkel...
Darren modeling his life jacket before he headed off to work.
Logan and Rylee chilling in their "hot tub". There was a little shallow pool a little way off of the shore that they loved playing in and called it their hot tub! They also had a great time having mud fights and throwing lots of wet sand at each other!
My little beach baby - She looks like she is working on her poses for Sports Illustrated
Kyle and my dad took the kayaks and had fun for quite awhile in them.
Logan and Rylee in their hot tub, which looked like gross, muddy water to the rest of us but kept them entertained for hours!
Hard at work on their sand castle
As always, Rylee had Grandpa doing whatever she wanted! He was dragging her around and letting her float in her life jacket. She can get him to do pretty much anything she says!

Logan and Uncle Kyle doing some more work on their sand castle. It took them most of the day to build this.
Cute Logan
Rylee and Grandpa taking a break
Logan eating his chicken salad sandwich and chilling in his beach chair
Rylee looking beautiful in everything she eats
After lunch, the kids were so tired and the wind started and poor Rylee was freezing, so it didn't take long before we decided to call it a day. The worst part of the beach is always cleaning up and it was so windy, our tent thing was blowing away and it got pretty crazy! I tried to de-sand the kids (the VERY worst part of the beach!) and I was putting them in car seats, Logan went in hysterics because he didn't get to finish his castle! So he and Kyle went back and did a quick finish while everyone else was loading the kayaks and jet skis. Such a funny guy! He was so disappointed when we came back on Wednesday and his castle was mostly gone!

Logan putting on the finishing touches - Can't you tell the difference? It is definitely finished now!
Logan and his finished product
He is pretty proud of his work
One tired girl! Rylee was asleep before we even hit the road back to the condo! That is the BEST part of the beach - My kids always take a good nap after a day at the beach!

My sister and Laura also had to leave for a little bit for work and stuff, so by that night, it was just me and the kids and my parents and my 3 youngest brothers at the condo. We just spent the evening relaxing and the kids ran around outside a little and played tennis and that night we watched a movie - the kids watched a veggie tales movie and the rest of us watched National Treasure 2. We were all pretty tired! We love spending time on the beach!


Kim said...

We made our blog private, if you want an invite, email me at

T.J. and Kim Adams

Karmann said...

Loved seeing all the fun times together the past few months!!! You look so good and so cute with your belly! It was so nice to talk the other day and hear your voice! Thanks for thinking of me on my birthday! Sure miss you a lot!!! Love you!