Sunday, September 20, 2009

Maternity Pics

August 2012 - My cute sister Vanessa has aspirations of being a photographer someday and offered to take some maternity pictures for me.  I have never done anything like this before with my other pregnancies, but I decided I might as well take her up on the offer and document me pregnant, even though it might not be too glamorous!  After all, I have been this way almost as much as I haven't for the last few years...  So here I am in all my big belly glory!  Some of these pictures were taken at our house and some were taken at Mack Park.


These are a few pics of me and my sister, Heather.  We are due just a few weeks apart.  Me with my 3rd and her with her first!  It was so fun to share a pregnancy with her and have our kids so close together. This is really close to the end of our pregnancies.  Heather ended up having her baby boy, Ethan, on September 1st and I had our sweet Avery girl on September 25th.  So fun to have such close cousins! 

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