Thursday, September 24, 2009

Newest Member of the No Cavity Club!

Logan finally went for his first official dental appointment on September 15 . You would think with a Dentist for a Dad we would have done this a little sooner, since he is 4 years old, but I guess I figured Darren looks at his teeth all the time, why would he need an appointment? He has sat in Darren's chair at the office a few times for Darren to check things out, but has never had a cleaning or official visit. He was a little nervous about going and kept asking "Am I going to get a shot?" I think he hears Darren talk about all his procedures and stuff a little too much because he was pretty concerned!
Here he is in the Hygenist's chair. He hopped right up there and did great! No problems at all! She said he was pretty funny and chatted away to her. At the end, she said that she was going to go and get Darren to look at him and Logan said "OK, you have 1 minute." And he meant it. After about a minute or two, he decided he was finished and just got down from the chair. Luckily they were pretty much done. At his next appointment, they will probably try x-rays.

Logan and his favorite dentist - Dad!!! Both he and Rylee LOVE to visit Darren's office and Rylee always wants Darren to take off his mask and his funny glasses - I guess she doesn't like how he looks with them on.
No Cavities for Logan!!! Yeah!!! I think he thought the best part of the whole thing was choosing his own new toothpaste and toothbrush. The hygenist was great and let Rylee choose one as well so she thought that was so special and can't wait for her turn at the Dentist!

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