Saturday, September 12, 2009

Full Term!

I have reached the Full term mark with the baby and made it to 37 weeks! However, not too much has changed - I have weighed the same at all my appointments for the last 4 weeks, haven't started to dilate and am not having contractions, so I don't think that there will be any baby for at least another week and probably two... We are scheduled for the 25th, and I tried to get the Dr to push me up one day (that is my sister's birthday) but he won't! My only other choice is to wait for 3 more days, and I am already worried about going as long as I am, so I guess we will be sticking with the 25th, unless something changes! I am starting to feel a little more uncomfortable as this little one grows but overall I am feeling pretty good. She is VERY active and at times, I think she is just going to bust her way through my skin! I also don't have much room to eat anymore and get full very quickly!

The kids are getting more and more excited for the baby to come! Little Rylee is really into blood pressure lately! She is always telling me she needs to "check my blood pressure" or that she is "doing her blood pressure" and then writing things down - Such a funny girl! I guess that she has been to a few too many doctor appointments! She also told me today that her baby is "stuck" in her tummy and won't come out! I think she is ready for this little girl to make her appearance! Logan is still the sweetest boy and loves to talk to the baby and pat my stomach all the time. He always makes sure she is included in things, which is so funny!

I have crossed a few projects off my list this week, so I am hoping that I can cross off a few more this week and be ready for baby! I still have plenty of baby clothes and blankets to be washed and the nursery to finish organizing, as well as several other projects I wanted to finishe before the baby comes. It would be a miracle for me to actually be ready! Only 2 more Dr appointments and 13 days to go....

1 comment:

Brooke :) said...

I'm so excited for you. I hope everything goes well. Can't wait to see some pics. :)