Thursday, September 24, 2009

USA Soccer game

On September 5th, Darren and I went to the USA World Cup Qualifying match against El Salvador with a few friends. Apparently, this is a "once in a lifetime opportunity" that we just couldn't miss to watch the USA team. However, we did go to one of these games about 4 years ago when I was prego with Logan, so I guess it is NOT really once in a lifetime. So far, both Logan and Baby #3 have experienced a game while in the womb. Poor Rylee got left out! Logan REALLY wanted to come to this game and would have loved it, but the tickets were too expensive to justify it. Maybe when he is a little older!

When we got there, it was SO loud in the stadium even before the game started. We couldn't believe how many El Salvador fans there were. Most of them were carrying El Salvador flags and wearing USA headbands - Kind of funny! Our seats were awesome! Thanks for hooking us up with such good ones Jesse and Christina!
Here is a picture of Landon Donovan - He is one of the few US players I know. I am getting better though. It was pretty exciting when Kyle Beckerman got to play in the 2nd half since he is a Real Salt Lake player.
We LOVE soccer!
Our group of friends: On the back row: Diane (and Berg) and Jon, Scott and Kathy (and Tyler) Front row: Christina and Jesse and Darren and me. The other people look like the might be part of our group, but they just wish we were! We sat by the grouchiest old man though who kept yelling at everyone in front of him to sit down. It IS a soccer game - People do stand up and cheer!
Me and my big belly by the field - Had to have proof that the little one had the "once in a lifetime experience" right?
Me and Darren - The US played great and ended up coming from behind and winning 2-1. They did score another goal, but they called it back because of offsides. It was a pretty exciting game!

Afterwards, we went with Jesse and Christina to the Mayan. I hadn't been there in FOREVER but it was really fun and the food was actually pretty good, too! Thanks again guys! Such a fun night and I even made it without any pregnancy complications!

1 comment:

jeavin blog said...

HI Brooke, I tried to find your "Change" post to comment but couldn't find it, so I'll comment here.

I was also worried about my 3rd c-section, more so than the others. I think it was because I really knew what was coming this time. I felt that way until Devin game me a blessing before I went in, then I felt much better. I've also heard of women having up to 7 c-sections. I think that not being able to have as many as you'd like (well, to a point) is an exception and not the rule when it comes to c-sections.

I hadn't thought much about the change that a 3rd child would bring to our framily, and maybe that's one reason that it was a little hard on me. Our kids were so independent before we had the baby, I had lots of time to do things that I wanted to (I had forgotten how much work a newborn is) and that did change, but give yourself a few months (it has taken me 5.5) to adjust to another baby and things are more under control. Even though it has been a little bit challenging, I can't imagine our family without him.

I think that your fears are normal (especially with the insane amounts of hormones pumping through your body right now). Just remember that Heavenly Father makes us equal to our challenges. I can't wait to see your new little one.
