Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Bear Lake - Day 7 - Golf, Swimming and Home!

Friday was our last day of fun at Bear Lake. My family stayed one more day, but we had to head home for my 10 year high school reunion. Dean and Laura went home on Thursday, so our numbers were growing smaller. On Friday, the boys all got up and went golfing (minus Logan). The rest of us hung out at the condo, did some packing and then hit the pool.
Logan and Rylee ready for a swim. They love going to the pool! We spent so much time at the lake, this was the first time that we got to use the pool at the condo. It was an awesome pool. I hate cold water and this one was so perfect - It was almost like bath water and felt so good!
Logan loves to swim like a fishy with his face in the water now. He is getting pretty good! It makes it hard to get pictures though. One more picture of my little swimmer!
Rylee swimming with Aunt Nessa. Sometimes she won't get in the pool, and other times, she only wants to swim by herself with no help. This was a day she wanted to try and swim by herself all over the place and she did pretty good. Rylee liked standing up like this with Grandma. She had a really fun time at the pool! You never know with her...
Logan being thrown across the pool - The boys came home as we were going over to the pool so they came over and joined us. That made Logan really excited! He loves playing around with his uncles!
A family photo at the pool - Rylee wanted to be swimming, not in another picture, so she isn't looking too happy!
Rylee swimming "by herself" - She was pretty proud of how well she could get around on her own.
Me and Darren had fun at the pool, too!
Rylee loved swimming with Grandpa - especially when he gave her piggy back rides across the pool!
After the pool, we went to lunch. One of our favorite Logan restaurants, Cafe Sabor, just opened a new location in Bear Lake, so we went to try it out. There was so much food and we were all stuffed!!! It was YUMMY!
Rylee posing for the camera again during lunch!
Logan only made it through a few bites and then this is what happened....He was exhausted! We were planning on leaving right after lunch, but both kids fell asleep and slept for about 4 hours! I think that may be a record! We didn't leave until almost 8 and then stopped for another famous raspberry shake....and this time it was much better than the first one! We got home just in time to watch the fireworks for our city's Pioneer Day celebration. We were able to watch them out the window of our house, which was nice because we were all too tired out to go to the park. I had lots left to do for my reunion so I got most of that ready, too. We still had one more long day to go! We had a really fun trip! It was nice to have a more relaxing vacation. That is something my family rarely does-relaxing on vacation! I am so grateful that my parents make spending time together and these fun trips a priority so we can have these experiences together!

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