Saturday, September 12, 2009

I hope I never forget

One of my favorite things in the whole world is waking up in the morning to my 2 cute kids coming into our room and them snuggling and playing in our bed with us until we all feel ready to get up for the day. I especially love this on days when Darren doesn't have early work and it is our whole family just hanging out! The kids are so funny and sweet in the morning and say the most hilarious things. They love to have tickle fights, pillow fights, wrestle, snuggle, read stories or just tell us funny things and we all do lots of giggling. Logan will sometimes tell us about his dreams, which are alwas entertaining, and is always having some sort of adventure. Lately, he has been into going on "missions" in our bed and we are all part of it. Rylee wakes up so funny (most mornings) and happy and loves being silly! Her sweet little voice always makes me smile. I don't really know when this tradition started, but it seems like something that we have almost always done since we had kids. I realize that the time will come (much sooner than I would like) that they won't think it is fun to snuggle in bed with us anymore, so I hope I will always remember it! And until they are too old, I hope we still keep enjoying it! It is such a little thing, but one of the things I love most!

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