Wednesday, September 23, 2009

One Last Visit...

Today was my LAST Dr Appointment! Wahoo! It feels great to be done with that - I hate those weekly appointments! Today I had to wait forever because my Dr was in a delivery! Gotta love that! This week I survived the flu. Me and Logan both came down with it the day after my last appointment. I was going to get a flu shot the next morning but me and Logan were both up all night puking instead! It is hard to throw up with such a huge tummy! So today, I went and had my flu shot and crossed one more thing off my list. I guess the good news is we hopefully are done with the flu at our house, so I shouldn't have to worry as much when the baby comes. Everything looked about the same at my appointment today. I lost a pound, bringing my total to 24 lbs. I also am about 1/2 cm dilated, which might be the furthest I have ever been on my own. I have been feeling pretty good - Just a little more uncomfortable and I have pretty constant heartburn these days and feel like I can't eat anything because I am so out of room to put it! I am getting close to crossing most of the things off my to do list and the stuff that isn't not done, I have decided isn't all that important!
Yesterday was a very busy day! I am feeling a little guilty that I won't be around the kids since they can't come to the hospital, so I took the kids to story time and then Rylee and I went on Logan's preschool field trip to the dairy farm and then it was off to Logan's first soccer game of the new season. I think I was pretty exhausted anyway, but then Logan was kicking the ball into his soccer game and it started to go into the road and I thought he was going to go after it, so I lunged for him and I must have pulled or strained something because I have been really hurting and can barely walk! I started having a lot of pain last night and I'm not sure if it was from that or the start of labor. I was getting worried we were going to have to go to the hospital, but right when I was going to tell Darren I thought we might need to go in, they stopped and I have been feeling good today, besides the pulled muscle or whatever is wrong from my non-athletic rescue attempt yesterday. My Dr did warn me today that I shouldn't go into labor, so if I have any more today or tomorrow, I am supposed to head into the hospital. I guess we will see if we make it.... If all goes as scheduled, we are expecting our baby girl at 8:45 am Friday! Wish us luck! C-Sections make me so nervous!!! Especially #3...


Brooke :) said...

Good Luck! We will be thinking of you this weekend. :)

Clark Family said...

we're so excited to met the new baby!!!