Sunday, September 20, 2009

Getting Ready...

Logan has been really excited for Preschool and was really happy and a little nervous to go to his Open House on August 12. It was really low key and just a chance for the kids and parents to see the school, meet the teacher and ask questions. They also had their pictures taken for their little preschool "license". Logan really enjoyed seeing the inside of the preschool, since his other bubble class was all outside and seeing his teacher again. He didn't insist on an apple this time though. He seems to be pretty ready and excited for school to start! He had no fear at all and seemed right at home around the other kids and in the little class room. Rylee loved the open house, too, because they had lots of treats! She likes to "play" preschool now and when I ask her what they do she says "have snacks like goldfish, marshmallows, and pretzels." Sounds like a good preschool to me!
Handsome boy ready to see his Preschool
Logan's teacher had me fill out a lot of paperwork about Logan and his likes/dislikes. Here are some of his answers:
Favorite Things: Sports, Friends, Family, Anything Disney, Vacations
Wants to learn: about animals and letters and writing his name
Pets? - One - a fish named Nemo
Favorite Outdoor Activities: Anything! Park, Sports like Frisbee, Baseball and soccer, swimming, going on trips or outings to fun places, Bubbles
Favorite Indoor Activities: Games like Candyland or Kerplunk, cars and trains, reading, bowling, indoor sports, legos and blocks, TV or Disney movies
Favorite Color: Blue (he later specified Aggie Blue...)
Favorite Book: Berenstain Bears (this changes almost every day!)
Favorite Foods: PB&J, chicken, pizza, treats
Something special about Logan: He loves people and loves to learn! He is also really funny!
What is Logan looking forward to at preschool: meeting new friends and learning more things!
It was pretty funny to hear Logan's answers. Some of them were not really what I expected or what I would say about him!
Mommy and Logan - Is my baby really going to go to Preschool??? I'm not sure I can do this!!!

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