Thursday, September 17, 2009

Another Holiday Marathon!!!

We had a great Pioneer Day! We spent it like we seem to spend every holiday - running here and there and everywhere and enjoying lots of family celebrations and even got to see some friends! Since Kenny was the night before, my mom watched the kids for us and we spent the night there. Then we had a delicious breakfast on Pioneer Day morning and headed to the Ogden Parade, which has been the tradition in our family for as long as I can remember. We don't usually get to make it there, so I was excited and thought the kids would have fun. My grandma goes really early and always reserves lots of seats for the fam. We went about halfway through because the parade is LONG! I wish we would have got there a little earlier because the kids really enjoyed it! My grandma came prepared with lots of poppers for them to throw and candy, so they were set!
Here is Logan waving to the funny little Shriners cars - They are always the best part of the parade! And Rylee loved all the "Princesses" - Every city and rodeo's royalty is a "Princess" to her and she loves waving and blowing them kisses and their sparkly dresses and clothes and crowns!
Enjoying the parade
My mom's friend gave her these cowgirl boots for Rylee a long time ago and I didn't think we would get to use them much, but they were perfect for Pioneer day! She is also obsessed with her pockets lately, which I think is so funny! Our good friends Jon and Annie were in town for a wedding, so we were able to meet up with them for a little bit, too and it was so fun to see them and catch up! We really miss them and their 2 cute girls! Here is Shelby with Logan and Rylee at the parade.
Rylee and Shelby - Cute little friends! Us and the Scott's - Jon, Libby, Shelby, Annie, Rylee, Me, Logan and Darren
Our little family! We had a fun Pioneer Day!
Next, it was off to my Grandma's house for lunch, which is also a tradition. My grandma always makes the same thing, but we love it and had a great time with the family and seeing cousins and stuff. Jon and Annie were also able to hang out with us for awhile, so that was fun, too. Rylee found herself a little chair, which she always seems to do wherever we go. She loves chairs that are just her size!
Logan got hooked on my Grandma's old school Nintendo and the Duck Hunt and Super Mario games! He would have played it all day, I think.
The swings were a big hit, too! The kids loved them! My grandma has a really fun backyard and the kids all had a great time running around!

After lunch, we had to rush off to Darren's parents' house for another BBQ and swimming. Luckily, the kids were able to take a nap in the car along the way. It was actually a farewell party for Darren's brother Curt and his family who are moving to North Carolina for him to do his MBA. The only bad part was that they had heard a different later time for the BBQ than everyone else and so they were the last ones there. We had to leave kind of early, so we didn't get to see them too much. We had a fun time though - No summer holiday would be complete without a BBQ and swimming at the Webber's.
Logan all excited to jump into the pool!
Cute Rylee with her floaties on! She decided to swim this time. We never know if she will like the pool or not.
Rylee jumping to Grandpa. She had a great time swimming with him and really loved the kickboard.
Cute swimmers! Since I was 7 months pregnant, I didn't think anyone would want to see me in my maternity suit, so I just stuck to taking pictures!
Logan and Rylee love it when Dad jumps up and down to make "huge waves"!
Rylee swimming with Daddy
Logan having fun with his cousins
Rylee and her best little buddy, cousin Raegan. She is still so sad that Raegan is gone and can't wait to see her at Thanksgiving! They have become the cutest little friends! The other day we saw a couple airplanes and she told me they were going to see Rae-Rae! She really misses her!
We left the BBQ party a little early so that we could go to the Real Salt Lake soccer game. Darren's receptionist had some tickets she wasn't using, so she gave them to us and of course, Darren had to go! We had a good time and it was a great game! They played FC Dallas, and they were losing when we got there, but ended up winning 4-2. Logan loved it and wants to go to another game soon!
Me and Rylee at the Real game
Logan and Daddy yelling for the "GGGOOOAAAALLLL"! After the game, they did some pretty awesome fireworks. They were great! We had a really fun night and Darren even got to walk ON the field, which was HUGE for him!

We spent the night at Darren's brother, Brian's house so that Darren could get up and go golfing with his brother's bright and early the next morning for one last golf outing before Curt moved. I hung out with Val for a little bit and then headed to my mom's house. I was able to go and get all the fabric picked out for the baby's quilt and it is going to be so cute! I'm excited about it! Once Darren got back, we were off to another family activity - This time it was a Buzz game with all the Webber's.
Logan and his cousin Mason - The kids had so much fun with all the family, but it was a bit more stressful than when we usually go to games. The kids wanted to switch seats a million times and everyone wanted whatever everyone else had. It was a little chaotic, but lots of family fun!
Yummm....enjoying some stadium food for dinner. I think the burger is almost as big as Logan!
Logan and his balloon bee. Grandpa bought all the kids some sort of balloon creature, which became huge distractions during the game, but the kids loved them.
Rylee got a flower balloon - She bit hers a few time and popped part of it, but she thought it was so cute and loved that it was pink!
Logan chilling with Uncle Cory
Rylee loving her cotton candy. Grandpa bought that for the kids, too. You have to have cotton candy at a baseball game, right?
Logan and Daddy ready for the fireworks. They did some pretty great fireworks after this game, too, which made it much more fun! The baseball game was a little long and not too much action, but the fireworks after were great!
Me and a tired Rylee! I think we had a little too much weekend fun!

We stayed that night at Darren's parents house since Darren's oldest brother was having a big 40th birthday bash the next day. On the way home from the game, a light came on in the car and we were pretty worried about all the driving we had to do. Darren tried some things to fix it in the morning, but it didn't help. Luckily, we made it home OK and it was not too expensive to get fixed.

Darren's brother, Brian, turned 40 so his wife did a big "surprise" party, only it didn't end up being a surprise. It was fun though and the big highlight was this Lotus that she rented for him. All of the brothers took turns driving it and Logan even got a ride in it with Uncle Brian and he thought it was great! This is one of Darren's "dream cars" so he was really excited to take a spin in it!
I hope he didn't get too attached because he will probably never own one! They had a fun time! We got home super late on Sunday night - It was a long weekend, but lots of fun! I always hate feeling rushed from one activity to the next on these trips, but I love all the fun things we do and the chance to see family, so it makes it worth it!

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