Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Trial Run

On July 21 and 23, Logan went to a little Day Camp as a "trial run" for Preschool. His preschool teacher for the fall does fun little day camps each week of the summer with a different theme each week. I wanted Logan to go to one so he could see the preschool before and meet the teacher and all of that. I was hoping to get him in two sessions, but we had such a busy summer, we only made it to one session. He chose the session that was a bubble theme and had a great time!
Here he is all ready for his first day. Since they were playing out with bubbles all day, they wore swimsuits, which Logan loved! He also insisted on wearing a backpack for some reason, even though he didn't need one. I guess he figured if he was going to school, he needed a backpack.
What a cute little boy! He is growing up way too fast!
He also insisted on taking an apple to his teacher, which I thought was hilarious! He really wouldn't leave until we had one! I am not sure where this came from, except that I think it says Pinocchio went to his first day of school with an apple for his teacher and a backpack in his Pinocchio book. His teacher thought it was pretty funny, too!
I didn't know how Logan would do, since we have never really done preschool or day care or anything like that before, but he was off and playing as soon as we got into the backyard. He tried most of the activities before I left! I don't think he missed me at all! Here he is blowing bubbles!
Here is Logan when I picked him up on the last day. He LOVED it and is SO excited to start preschool!

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