Thursday, September 17, 2009


Sorry for the flood of a million posts, but I am REALLY trying to catch up before our baby arrives! Not that anyone wants to read about all our summer activities, but I don't want to leave stuff out for my own "family journal" purposes.

On July 23, Darren and I went to the Kenny Chesney concert! I was really excited about it! I got the tickets WAY back in April for my birthday and Darren bought them in February, so it was a long wait for the big night! We aren't really concert goers, but this one was so fun! Just before we left to go down there, I found out that Sugarland wasn't going to be playing and I was SO bummed! I was almost as excited to see them as I was to see Kenny. It was a LONG concert! It started at 5:00 and went to 11:30. We got there about a 1/2 hour late and it was SO hot! I didn't know if I was going to survive. I must have looked miserable sitting in the heat and being 7 months prego because the guy just down from us handed me a fan and said, "you look like you could use this." The first act was Lady Antebellum and they were really good. I only recognized a few of their songs, but I really liked them.
Me and Darren dying in the sun! Once we had shade, it was great, but the first hour or two was kinda rough! Next act was Miranda Lambert and I wasn't a real big fan of hers. She was Ok though and I knew some of her songs, too.
Then it was time for the big show - KENNY!!!
We had pretty good seats - We were not on the floor, but on the 3rd row of the stadium up close to the stage. We were right on the aisle where people could get down to the floor though and that was quite entertaining! The things people wear to concerts! SERIOUSLY! And all the alcohol they drink - It was a little crazy! I saw some 60 year old-ish woman whose shirt was held closed by one little hook and eye. GROSS! I think I also saw some people doing the nasty in their clothes... It was an interesting crowd!
Here is Kenny! He is an awesome entertainer and put on quite a good show! He sings SO many good songs! We had a great time.
Here we are enjoying Kenny!
When Kenny came back out for his encore, he wore a Utes hat. I guess I can forgive him for that. His encore was REALLY long since he did an extended set since SugarLand didn't play and it was a lot of fun songs, including my all time favorite song "Without You" by U2.
Yep...all these pictures look the same, but they are the only ones I got of us! Here we are ready to head home after about 6 hours of concert! It was such a fun night! Gotta love date nights when you can get them! Thanks babe for the fun bday present, even if I did have to wait a couple months to enjoy it! It was worth it!

1 comment:

Jami said...

He does a good job. I love his concerts. It looks like you had fun. We miss you