Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Her Name Is....

In case you haven't heard, we named our sweet baby girl
We are now home from the hospital and I am adjusting to life at home with 3 little ones and on the road to recovery! Avery is the best little baby. She rarely cries and sleeps so great - We will see if that lasts. She has a very mellow personality and reminds me of Logan as a baby.
The kids were very excited for us to come home and meet Avery and are doing pretty well with her so far. Of course, Logan was more excited to see my stitches and scar than me, but he I think he is happy to have us home. No one has tried to pick Avery up alone or anything too dangerous yet and Avery is surving all the loves pretty well. There has been a little bit of jealousy, but nothing like I was expecting and Logan and Rylee both adore her! They do frequently tell me to "put her down" and have a lot of curiosity about how Avery eats - Logan asked why she was eating from my elbow, then looked closer and asked why she ate from my pecs. So funny!
We are so happy to have our new addition - I can't get enough of her and her sweet snuggles and can't seem to get much done because I never want to put her down! I love just laying her on my chest and watching her sleep - She is so sweet! She is starting to be more alert and looking around more and more. They grow up much too fast!!!
I have lots of pictures I need to post, but I can't find the camera cord, so the will have to wait.


Logan started another session of soccer last week. His new team is the Lightning and Logan seems to be a little more into it this time around. He runs after the ball a little more and stays focused longer than in the past, although he is really into falling dramatically whenever he gets the chance, and talking trash and bumping into the players on the other team. Last week when I went, he pushed a kid onto the wrestling mats in the corner.
I missed Logan's game on Tuesday since I had just gotten home from the hospital and when I talked to Darren on their way back, he said Logan had exciting news! Logan came in to tell me that he had scored his first goal! And not just 1 goal, 3 goals! The only bad part is that one of the goals was for the other team... He was SO excited and came in and told me "I scored 2 times!" and then told me that he even scored another one but it went "the wrong way" or something like that.
Darren said that he didn't even see the 1st one Logan scored - he wasn't looking - but that was the one for the other team and Logan came up and told him that he did it, but it was the wrong one. The next goal, Darren kind of positioned him in front of the goal and he was able to score one and was so excited! His last one was a pretty lengthy kick across the field. Darren said after he scored each time, it took a little bit for it to register that he had scored and then he got really excited! I have been to EVERY game for 3 sessions and the first time I miss one and am not there with the camera, he scores! I was so excited for him, but a little bummed! I will probably only make it to maybe one more game this season, so hopefully I can see his skills then! Way to go Logan!

Friday, September 25, 2009

She's HERE!!!

Our new perfect baby girl is here!!!
She was born at 9:33 am September 25
7 lbs 11 oz - 20 inches long

She has TONS and TONS of thick dark hair and all the nurses can't stop talking about her long eyelashes! She came out screaming but since has been so calm and really sweet! Mom and Baby are doing great and the surgery went very smoothly. We appreciate all the prayers and thoughts in our behalf! More details to come but here are a few pictures of our new little princess!

Thursday, September 24, 2009


I did pretty good on my attempts to catch up the blog, but I still have 2 or 3 I didn't get to. They will probably have to wait until after the BIG baby news though.
I am really close to going under the knife! Now that most of my projects are done and the preparations are as finished as they can be, the reality is setting in and the worry has begun! I have a hard time with hospitals, needles and all of that and all the worries that go with a surgery. What if something goes wrong? There are so many things that can, even though it is a pretty routine surgery. My Dr has also warned me that with having a 3rd C-Section, they might say that I can't or shouldn't have more - I don't know if I can handle that! There are so many concerns and the worst is that I have to sit at the hospital in the morning for 2 hours waiting for my C-section and wondering and stressing about all of those things! It is a good thing the end result is a baby or I don't think I could handle it - It makes it all worth it!
I also struggle with change and the reality has hit that things will never be the same at our house, which makes me a little sad. That might be wierd, but I hate change - Moving was so hard for me, even though it wasn't far and I love our new house. Our family of 4 is changing to a family of 5 and I really think there are some things that I will miss about our family now. Right now it is so easy to just pack up and go with the kids being older and Darren and I can each take a child and we can handle things pretty well. Adding a 3rd child seems like it will be much harder to go places and do things, especially when hauling all the stuff a baby requires. Once the baby is here, I know that we would never want to do without her, but I think I will at times miss the simpler times that we have now. Does anyone else ever feel that way? Sometimes I really miss when it was just me and Darren, but I would never want to change having kids. It is just one of those things - I just wish I would have enjoyed the time I had with just 2 kids a little more. I am so excited to meet baby #3 and of course to see Logan and Rylee meet her (in a few days).
Also, as crazy as it sounds, I will miss being pregnant. There is something about having a little baby inside you that is so incredible and even though it is not the most comfortable thing, feeling them kick and move is like nothing else in the world. Of course, holding your newborn is also like nothing else in the world and it will be so great to snuggle and hold her tomorrow!
Those are just a few of my many thoughts swirling through my head as I try and relax and get ready for bed! Wish me luck!!!

Preschool stuff

Logan is loving preschool! He really looks forward to Tuesdays and Thursdays and gets really excited about school. He loves all his friends and has become very social from his interaction at school. He has always been a friendlylittle boy, but since he started school he has become much more so - Whenever we go to the park or somewhere, Logan will go right up and introduce himself to other kids and then invite them over to our house. It gets a little awkward sometimes. Logan is learning lots and is working on writing lots of letters and loves all the songs they sing at school. His favorite is a cute little song they sing about shapes.
Each month, all the kids take a turn for show and tell, or sharing. The theme for September was for the kids to bring something about themselves. Logan chose to take his Beckham, which is his favorite stuffed animal that he almost always sleeps with. He was a little nervous for sharing for some reason, but did great and also got to be the teacher's special helper that day. He also took the snack for the day and chose to take chocolate chip cookies, which was perfect since they were learning about the letter c.

I also went on a little field trip with Logan's class on September 22. They went to the dairy farm near our house since they are learning about the letter M and milk. Probably not the greatest place to go when you are days away from having a baby, but I didn't know if I would be able to go on any other field trips for awhile, so I decided to go and Rylee came along, too.
We got to go in and see the cows hooked up to the milkers. I was helping with kids so I didn't get to take photos, but this is Rylee covering her ears as we walked through the building after seeing the cows. She didn't like the noise at all.
The highlight for the kids was seeing the baby cows and feeding them a bottle. Some of the cows wanted nothing to do with the kids (Can you blame them? I would run from a big group of preschoolers who wanted to stick something down my throat, too.) Others would let the kids pet them. The kids loved it! Especially Logan - he was right up there by all the cows talking to them and trying to pet them.
Logan petting one of the more friendly cows
Logan feeding the cow a bottle
He LOVED this!

Me helping Rylee feed the cow. She tried to do it herself, but the bottle was pretty big for her to hold by herself and the cow got impatient and licked her hair. Rylee was mortified!!! She was freaking out and kept saying "The cow licked my hair!" In her defense, it was pretty nasty. The cow was so slobbery and her hair was all crusty and gross! Still to this day, she tells people about the cow licking her hair at the dairy farm! The only way she would try again was if I helped her.

Logan and his preschool class with the nice lady from the dairy farm who gave us the tour. Not too easy to get preschoolers together for a picture....

Me and my kiddos! We survived the dairy farm and all those preschoolers, even 39 weeks pregnant!

After the cows, the kids got to check out this tractor. They thought it was pretty cool - especially the huge wheels! Once again, not so easy to get pictures of that many little kids!

One of the moms had the idea to have all the kids touch a tire - It made the picture work a lot better! We had a great time! Can't wait for the next field trip - Hopefully, the next one one smells a little better!!!

Newest Member of the No Cavity Club!

Logan finally went for his first official dental appointment on September 15 . You would think with a Dentist for a Dad we would have done this a little sooner, since he is 4 years old, but I guess I figured Darren looks at his teeth all the time, why would he need an appointment? He has sat in Darren's chair at the office a few times for Darren to check things out, but has never had a cleaning or official visit. He was a little nervous about going and kept asking "Am I going to get a shot?" I think he hears Darren talk about all his procedures and stuff a little too much because he was pretty concerned!
Here he is in the Hygenist's chair. He hopped right up there and did great! No problems at all! She said he was pretty funny and chatted away to her. At the end, she said that she was going to go and get Darren to look at him and Logan said "OK, you have 1 minute." And he meant it. After about a minute or two, he decided he was finished and just got down from the chair. Luckily they were pretty much done. At his next appointment, they will probably try x-rays.

Logan and his favorite dentist - Dad!!! Both he and Rylee LOVE to visit Darren's office and Rylee always wants Darren to take off his mask and his funny glasses - I guess she doesn't like how he looks with them on.
No Cavities for Logan!!! Yeah!!! I think he thought the best part of the whole thing was choosing his own new toothpaste and toothbrush. The hygenist was great and let Rylee choose one as well so she thought that was so special and can't wait for her turn at the Dentist!

USA Soccer game

On September 5th, Darren and I went to the USA World Cup Qualifying match against El Salvador with a few friends. Apparently, this is a "once in a lifetime opportunity" that we just couldn't miss to watch the USA team. However, we did go to one of these games about 4 years ago when I was prego with Logan, so I guess it is NOT really once in a lifetime. So far, both Logan and Baby #3 have experienced a game while in the womb. Poor Rylee got left out! Logan REALLY wanted to come to this game and would have loved it, but the tickets were too expensive to justify it. Maybe when he is a little older!

When we got there, it was SO loud in the stadium even before the game started. We couldn't believe how many El Salvador fans there were. Most of them were carrying El Salvador flags and wearing USA headbands - Kind of funny! Our seats were awesome! Thanks for hooking us up with such good ones Jesse and Christina!
Here is a picture of Landon Donovan - He is one of the few US players I know. I am getting better though. It was pretty exciting when Kyle Beckerman got to play in the 2nd half since he is a Real Salt Lake player.
We LOVE soccer!
Our group of friends: On the back row: Diane (and Berg) and Jon, Scott and Kathy (and Tyler) Front row: Christina and Jesse and Darren and me. The other people look like the might be part of our group, but they just wish we were! We sat by the grouchiest old man though who kept yelling at everyone in front of him to sit down. It IS a soccer game - People do stand up and cheer!
Me and my big belly by the field - Had to have proof that the little one had the "once in a lifetime experience" right?
Me and Darren - The US played great and ended up coming from behind and winning 2-1. They did score another goal, but they called it back because of offsides. It was a pretty exciting game!

Afterwards, we went with Jesse and Christina to the Mayan. I hadn't been there in FOREVER but it was really fun and the food was actually pretty good, too! Thanks again guys! Such a fun night and I even made it without any pregnancy complications!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Comic Relief

I LOVE all the funny things that my kids say, but am not always good at remembering or writing it down. This is probably partly due to the fact that they say SO many funny things it is impossible to remember them all - Here are a few of my favorites recently. For some reason they are all church related...

We were reading from our little Book of Mormon reader the other night as a family (it has pictures for the kids), and Rylee said, "Eww...that guy has BAD hair!"

After church last Sunday, Logan came home and told Darren they were going to play a game. He told Darren he was going to tell him a story and when he said certain words, Darren would have something to say to go with them, sort of like a Melodrama. I guess this is what they had done for Sharing time in Primary. He told Darren when he said the words "Laman and Lemuel", Darren should say "Murmur, Murmur, Murmur" and when he said "Nephi", Darren should say "I will go, I will do". I think there was one or two other words that he had things for, but I don't remember now. He then started to tell the story of Nephi and the Brass Plates. He had most of it down pretty well, but every once in awhile, he couldn't remember something and would improvise. It was HILARIOUS! Darren and I were both cracking up! Somehow Samuel the Lamanite and David and "Goliah" made their way into parts of the story and a few different scripture stories blended together. At least we know that he listens sometimes!

Rylee has become a bit of a challenge at church lately. She isn't really bad, she just talks constantly and usually pretty loudly. I can't get her to be quiet! (Any suggestions would be appreciated!) She also likes to point at people and say things like "What is that lady's name?" (She wants to know EVERYONE's name wherever we go lately!) or "That guy has a blue shirt" or "He has brown hair like you". So far, she hasn't said anything offensive, but since she is pointing at everyone, it isn't exactly polite, or quiet. This week when the boy passing the sacrament came to our row, Rylee pointed at him and said, "Is him Joseph Smith?" very loudly. I said No, and then she said "Is he Jesus?" I was laughing now and said no again. She sat there for a second or two and then said "Oh...Is he Heavenly Father?"

Our church is having a big Zucchini fest for our next ward activity. It sounds pretty fun - Bring your biggest zucchinis, favorite zucchini dishes and there is going to be zucchini decorating and a zucchini toss for the kids. I didn't pay too much attention to the announcements because I noticed it was the day of my C-Section. They must have really made a big deal about it in Primary to the kids because this has been all Logan can talk about every Sunday after church. He has BIG plans for it! Rylee likes to talk about it, too but she refers to it as the "Bikini Fest!" (Can you imagine??? A church bikini fest? We have some rather old people in our ward...) He had it all planned out - He would say, "Me and Rylee are going to do zucchini decorating and Dad you are going to do the toss." I finally decided we should probably tell Logan that he might not be able to go since he was going on and on about, so I was explaining that we might not make it there because that was the day I would have the baby (this was before I knew he wouldn't be able to come to the hospital). He had a very quick response - "Mom, its OK. Your Dr will be at the hospital and take good care of you." (He even used my Dr's name which I thought was funny because I had no idea that he knew it.) I told him that I knew they would take good care of me, but I might be lonely and wanted him to come and visit and he said "Don't worry. I'll come see you Mom. AFTER the Zucchini fest!" What do you say to that? Good to know he has his priorities! Now that we know they won't be able to visit the hospital, Grandma will be taking him to the Zucchini fest and he even has a HUGE Zucchini from Grandma Boman's garden to take for the contest, so he is pretty excited! What a funny kid!

A New Addition!

This isn't OUR new addition, but an addition to our extended family! On September 1st, my sister had her baby - Ethan Scott Clark! He weighed in at 6 lbs 3 oz and was 20 inches long. We drove down the next day to see the baby and the kids were So excited!!! Especially Rylee - We also picked up my other sister to go with us and on the way, Rylee told us "We have to do 2 things. Pick up Aunt Nessa and hold Baby Ethan!" She was super excited! We also coached her that she can only hold the baby with help, since I am a little worried about how our own baby will survive and she did great to tell everyone that she can only hold Ethan if they helped her. As soon as we walked in the room, she wanted to hold that baby, but had to wait her turn. Here she is sneaking her first peek at Baby Ethan.
Sweet little cousins! Rylee loves baby Ethan!

Logan told me he didn't want to hold the baby before we got there, but once we were there, he was just as interested and sweet with the baby as Rylee. At least for a few minutes, and then he would be off eating the food off Heather's food tray and climbing all over the furniture!
Rylee was really excited to see Ethan's tiny feet and hands
Rylee getting a chance to hold Ethan - She is in heaven!

Logan's turn
Such cute boys!

Ethan is already 3 weeks old and growing like crazy! He is adorable and I am so excited for my sister and her hubby! They are loving their first sweet baby and my kids were so excited for their first cousin on my side of the family.

I THOUGHT this would be the perfect trial run of the whole baby and hospital thing for my kids, but unfortunately, I found out this week that my kids will NOT be able to visit me in the hospital. Due to swine flu concerns, the hospital has a policy of no visitors under the age of 14. I was SO upset at first (and still am...) and had a major breakdown and lots of crying. The kids were so sweet about it - They saw I was crying and wanted to comfort me and when I told them why I was upset, Logan told me, "Its Ok Mommy. Your dr will be there to take care of you." I don't think they really get what it means that they won't be able to visit me at the "hopsital" as Rylee calls it. It wouldn't be that bad if I had regular deliveries, but with a C-Section, that is a long time for me not to see my kids and for the kids not to meet their new sister. I understand that there is a need for precautions right now, but I am just so bummed! I feel like the siblings should be the FIRST ones to see the baby, even before grandparents, because it is THEIR life that is being affected so much. I was looking at the pictures of when Logan came to meet Rylee and that made me cry even more - It was such a special thing and I am bummed my kids won't have that experience. I guess they will have it when she comes home, but they will have to wait for a few days. I am also so bummed because I bought the kids the cutest little BIG brother and BIG sister shirts, as well as some fun surprises for when they visited the hospital. Darren reminds me that I am probably so upset because I had everything planned out the way I wanted it and now I won't get to have it that way, which is probably part of it, but I still think it is sad. Maybe I will get a little more rest in the hospital, but I would much rather be able to see my kids. I have so many new worries and concerns now - Will the kids resent the baby more? Will they do OK with having me gone so long? Will they still bond with the baby? Hopefully, when I come home from the hospital they will still be excited to meet the baby and they will have a special experience then.

One Last Visit...

Today was my LAST Dr Appointment! Wahoo! It feels great to be done with that - I hate those weekly appointments! Today I had to wait forever because my Dr was in a delivery! Gotta love that! This week I survived the flu. Me and Logan both came down with it the day after my last appointment. I was going to get a flu shot the next morning but me and Logan were both up all night puking instead! It is hard to throw up with such a huge tummy! So today, I went and had my flu shot and crossed one more thing off my list. I guess the good news is we hopefully are done with the flu at our house, so I shouldn't have to worry as much when the baby comes. Everything looked about the same at my appointment today. I lost a pound, bringing my total to 24 lbs. I also am about 1/2 cm dilated, which might be the furthest I have ever been on my own. I have been feeling pretty good - Just a little more uncomfortable and I have pretty constant heartburn these days and feel like I can't eat anything because I am so out of room to put it! I am getting close to crossing most of the things off my to do list and the stuff that isn't not done, I have decided isn't all that important!
Yesterday was a very busy day! I am feeling a little guilty that I won't be around the kids since they can't come to the hospital, so I took the kids to story time and then Rylee and I went on Logan's preschool field trip to the dairy farm and then it was off to Logan's first soccer game of the new season. I think I was pretty exhausted anyway, but then Logan was kicking the ball into his soccer game and it started to go into the road and I thought he was going to go after it, so I lunged for him and I must have pulled or strained something because I have been really hurting and can barely walk! I started having a lot of pain last night and I'm not sure if it was from that or the start of labor. I was getting worried we were going to have to go to the hospital, but right when I was going to tell Darren I thought we might need to go in, they stopped and I have been feeling good today, besides the pulled muscle or whatever is wrong from my non-athletic rescue attempt yesterday. My Dr did warn me today that I shouldn't go into labor, so if I have any more today or tomorrow, I am supposed to head into the hospital. I guess we will see if we make it.... If all goes as scheduled, we are expecting our baby girl at 8:45 am Friday! Wish us luck! C-Sections make me so nervous!!! Especially #3...

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Random Roundup

I am getting close to being caught up - I might even make it before Friday!!! Here is a bunch of the last photos I found from July and August that didn't make their own posts! After this post, I think I will actually be posting in the current month, which rarely happens for me!

My kids have discovered a really fun park near our house that has a little creek that runs through it and they love it! I really should learn to take swimming suits though because they always end up soaked and have ruined their clothes there a few times. It also causes a lot of stress to have them in the water. The area they play in is nice and slow and shallow, but a little further down, it is not and Rylee has fallen all the way in and scared me to death. They love it though! I think these pictures are from a trip we took there on July 2. My brother Brad came to stay with us for a few days to have some dental work done, so he came along, too.
Cute boy Logan!
Funny Face Rylee
This one is a little better!
Splashing in the water! Their favorite thing to do is throw the rocks.
Rylee got a time out for throwing rocks at Logan. I was trying to take this picture of her pouty face without her knowing since she was in trouble, but it didn't quite get her whole face. I love it though - It is SO Rylee!
Some bridge photos... Aren't these cute kids?

Logan running in the little river!
Smiles from my girl!
Here is another day in July playing at a different park. The kids always want to go to the park, especially when Dad is home! Logan loves to play soccer with daddy!
Rylee girl on the playground! She LOVES to climb on everything and is so fearless! I can't believe the things she can climb.
She kept asking me to take more pictures of her...
Rylee loves to pose and have her pictures taken
My little soccer boy! He has so much fun running around with Daddy!
Rylee has decided that soccer is fun, too and she likes to play with Logan and Daddy when Logan will let her!
She shoots, she scores!
Logan is always into our game closet and getting out all the games and their pieces! He has been really into the Jenga blocks and likes to build stuff with them and play dominoes with them. However, on this day, he was using them to have a "soccer game". I guess that the blocks were the players. He had them lined all up and then even sang the Star Spangled Banner to start the game. He cracks me up!
Last year, we spent a LOT of time going up the canyon and hanging out. We haven't made it up there much this summer, but we did get up there one day in July. We went to our favorite spot - The Spring Hollow area. The kids love to hike up to the waterfall (it isn't really a hike...more of a nature walk!) We love to just wander around up there and enjoy nature.
Another favorite - Throwing rocks! They especially love it when Daddy skips rocks for them! Logan thinks that is hilarious.
Isn't this spot gorgeous? I love living so close to this!
Logan looking for the perfect skipping rock

Rylee "hanging out" in the tree!
Playing in the water
Rylee and Daddy being silly!
One night in July, my parents called to see if we wanted to go to the rodeo with them in Ogden. It sounded like a fun night, so I hurried and got the kids ready and in the car and waited for Darren to come home. We waited....and waited...and waited.... and finally drove to his office. He last appointment turned into a root canal and went really long, so it put us really behind! The kids sure looked cute in their rodeo clothes though! The only problem was Logan wanted boots like Rylee and Rylee wanted a hat like Logan and we didn't have those things. They got over it pretty quickly though.
Cowgirl Princess Rylee

By the time we finished waiting for Darren, the rodeo pre-show had already started and it was still a 45 minute drive. We started on our way to the rodeo, but then part way there decided that it wasn't a great idea since we would get there late and just have to turn around and go back home. We promised the kids that we would go to another rodeo sometime and convinced them to settle for pizza instead! They were good kids to not get upset, even though they were really looking forward to it. We did have a yummy dinner though!
Logan and Daddy waiting for their pizza
Me and Rylee

This is my silly girl and some of her regular everyday messes! For some reason, Rylee is a bit of a pack rat! She loves to load up her purses, little diaper bags, or any basket, box or bag she can find with random stuff and pack it around. She will then dump it all out somewhere else and make a big mess! I spend a lot of time cleaning up these messes and trying to figure out where she got all the stuff from! She loves to pretend she is going on trips and "pack" all her stuff and pretend she is going to Salt Lake or Yellowstone or Disneyland. She is so funny! On this day, she emptied out underneath the entertainment center and made it her house and filled it with a little bit of everything from her room and the toy room - Books, toys, blankets, babies, stuffed animals... a little bit of everything! It is no wonder I can't keep the house clean!
Rylee made Logan play house with her, too. He is a good sport to play with his little sister! She has a pretty good imagination already and tells Logan exactly how she wants things to be. I love just listening to what they are doing!


Here is another of Rylee's adventures! This time she packed all of this onto her little tent, which was her car and was going on a trip to somewhere! She is in the "driver seat" and her baby is in the stroller turned backwards, which she called the car seat.
Rylee made Daddy join her on her trip! He had to be sure he fit into the car.
Don't they look like they are having a great time?
Here is Rylee with her babies in her stroller. She set the stroller all up and sat next to it and then instructed me to take her picture.
More of Rylee's antics - Here is her tea party stuff set up in my bathroom! I was getting ready and found her setting up a tea party for us. She loves to have tea parties, even in the bathroom!

In August, we had a baby shower for my sister and a bridal shower for my soon to be sister-in-law. I still need to get pictures from my sister who took all the photos for me. My cousin was in town from California for Laura's shower and it was so fun to get the kids together for a little bit! I love when Rikki comes to visit! Tiff was able to come, too so we had all the kids together, which doesn't happen very often. Here are Griffin, Bella, Maddie and Rylee eating some yummy hot dogs and pickles at our movie themed shower. I wish I would have gotten Baby Ben and Logan in a picture so we could have had all the great-grandkids on that side in one picture!
Here is Logan at his 4 year check up! He is doing great and is one very healthy boy! The Dr recommended a flu shot and since we were doing shots anyway, suggested we also do his kindergarten shots as well. Rylee needed a flu shot and one other shot, too, so we ended up doing it all that day. While we were waiting, the little girl in front of us (about 7 or 8) was in the room screaming and throwing a HUGE fit! I was worried it might make it bad for my kids but they did great! Logan had to have 4 shots, and when they gave him the shots he teared up a little and was crying and then Darren told him it was OK and that the shots were to help him and he said "Oh yeah. These shots are good for me. They help me feel good." and he was fine! The nurses thought that was so funny! Rylee had to have 2 shots. She was a little upset after them and was crying, but as soon as they handed her a sucker, she was fine and went skipping out of the way. So funny how a sucker can make everything better for her! After their appointments, they have been playing doctor and giving each shots and taking blood pressure a lot! Logan has been telling me that if I have to have a shot at the hospital, he will hold my hand, just like Dad held his. Such a sweet boy!
We went on a fun little trip up the canyon in Salt Lake with a bunch of Darren's high school friends and their families one Friday night and had a great time! We went to the Free's cabin and had dinner and made s'mores and it was great fun to see friends we hadn't seen for a long time! I didn't get many pics because my camera battery died. Logan had a great buddy in Sam. They are only a few months apart and had a great time running around together and pretending to fish off the deck.
Rylee had lots of fun, too! She liked to run around with the boys, but she always scares me because she always seems to get hurt! She also found some baby dolls to play with (and fight over!)
Daddy and Logan making some s'mores
Me and Rylee working on some mallows for our s'mores
Logan and his buddies Andrew and Sam eating their s'mores! I'm amazed they sat down for a second! They were running all over the place and having so much fun!
My parents put in a new sport court and Logan thinks it is the coolest thing ever! Here he is ballin' it up with my brothers and dad. I love that he needed a sweatband for this! So funny! He has also found out that the sport court has a tennis net and now insists on taking his tennis or badminton racquets anytime we visit Grandma and Grandpa.
Working on his dribbling skills - He is pretty serious out there!
This is out to eat with my parents one night - Rylee and Grandpa looked pretty cute reading. They are good buddies! Logan was really into his book, too.
Here are some pictures of me and my sister just a couple days before she had her baby comparing bellies! She is 4 weeks ahead of me, but I think I have the bigger tummy! I think in this picture she is about 38 weeks and I am 34. Unfortunately for her, she had severe preeclampsia and had really swollen ankles and feet, so I guess she won that contest!
Bumping bellies! Yes....everyone tells me my belly comes out to a point and it kind of shows in this picture!
We had a really nice backyard BBQ one night and the kids were having a great time playing on their dirt mound! It was perfect weather and they were having a ball! I love the summer nights when it is so nice outside and am going to miss those now that the weather is cooling off! I thought they looked so cute sitting on their mound together watching the sun set. The kids were going on trips and then having a circus or something and Rylee kept standing up and saying "Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls" and bossing Logan around, as usual. They were entertaining Darren and me so much I hated to make them come in!