Friday, December 17, 2010


Our daddy celebrated his birthday way back in August. Last year was a BIG birthday and we celebrated for a whole week and did lots of fun stuff. This year wasn't nearly so exciting, but it is worth posting for the journal. His birthday fell on a Sunday, so the night before (Aug 14) we took the kids to my mom's house and we went out for date - dinner and a Real game. His favorite things! We went to Tepanyaki, which we seem to do a lot these days... It seems like that is our place to go for most birthday/celebrations/anniversary. I think it is because it is so yummy and it is close to my mom's and there is no where like that for us to go close to our house. Anyway - it was great! The last few times we have gone there, we have sat at a table with crazies, but this time was perfect!
Having a little birthday dessert GO REAL!!!
After the game, we gave Daddy his present a little early because I had been hiding it at Grandma's and we couldn't get it home without him seeing. A weed whacker! Yeah!!! Not very exciting, but he needed it for all his yard work!

Aug 15 - The birthday boy! Logan took this picture while we were playing in the toy room after church. I love it!

Daddy playing with his kiddies
We did do a little celebrating on Sunday and had some cake and ice cream. Rylee picked out the cake... I'm not sure why, but that is what she wanted to get. It wasn't very birthday-ish and might have been a little girly, but she was excited about it.
Avery ready for some cake!
Blowing out the candles...
We love our Daddy! He is the best daddy and husband anyone can ask for! He does so much for all of us and we are so glad that he could have a special day (or 2) to celebrate him! We love you!!!

1 comment:

bladenfamily said...

Carter just asked if he was turning 51. Ha. Maybe don't mention that to Darren. He doesn't look a day over 31.