Thursday, December 16, 2010

Yee Haw!

Aug 12 - One of our favorite parts of the summer is always going to the fair!!! A little country, I know, but it is the BEST people watching you will ever see...besides maybe the Demolition Derby! It is like People of Walmart x 100!!! We love it!!! So, on the 12th, we went to the Rodeo! It is always lots of fun! Rylee loved waving to the Princesses and all their sparkles and Avery loved waving to all the horses! She got so excited every time she saw one and would try so hard to make the horsie sound. It was so cute! She also loved dancing when they played music and clapped so cute. She was hard to get to sit still though and wanted to climb all over and play on the stairs. She is a wiggle worm!!! Logan loved all the bulls and bucking broncos and really got into cheering on the cowboys. It was a fun family night!
Logan, Ry and Dad enjoying the rodeo
Mommy and A
Avery clapping. She was so cute when she would sit still!!!
Logan cheering on the cowboys
Ry loving the Princesses
Logan getting a little tired...there goes the thumb!
They had an act there with a guy who was a buffalo tamer. It was CRAZY!!! He only had one arm but he got both of the buffalos up on this big trailer! It was pretty neat to watch.
Aug 13 - The next day, we hit the fair! We had a great time walking around and seeing all the animals and of course, having some yummy fair food! We told the kids they could each pick 2 things to ride and as soon as we walked in Rylee wanted to ride the ponies, so that is what we did. We decided to let Avery try it too and she had her first pony ride! She wasn't so sure at first, but she seemed to like it by the end. Logan wanted to do some other rides, but changed his mind after he saw how much fun Rylee and Avery had. I felt better about spending money for that than some of the carnival rides for some reason. They all had a lot of fun!
Rylee all ready for the fair and to ride a pony!
Rylee riding her pony
She makes a darn cute cowgirl!
Avery getting on her pony
She looks a little unsure about this...
She was liking her ride after a few minutes. I love those cute little toes!
She looks so interested in the horse. After this experience, she was so funny about horses and was always trying to make the horse sound and do the sign.
Logan watching his sisters and deciding he wants a turn, too.
Our happy little cowboy

Loving the fair!

Avery checking out the chickens. I love the expression on her face (or lack thereof...). This is how she was most of the day. She was really interested in everything, but also not too sure.
Rylee thinks the chickens are funny! I love her smiles!!!
Logan talking to a bunny. I think he wanted to take one home. We saw lots of animals, but my camera didn't have much juice left, so I didn't take many pictures. The kids loved it all. I think Rylee wanted to touch every animal we walked by! She did get a little nervous around the HUGE pigs though.

Logan picked these cars for his other ride. He looks pretty excited!!!

Avery watching brother on the cars. She loved holding onto these bars and she kept bouncing and dancing on the sides. I think she would have liked to go for a ride, too.
Rylee picked this little train for her other ride. Do you think she looks happy?
Yeah for the fair! Before we left, we also grabbed a funnel cake and some cotton candy. It doesn't get much better than that!

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