Sunday, December 26, 2010


November is typically one of the most chill months at our house....  Here are a few highlights (Once again....posted years later!)  

Avery loves her some chocolate!  
Rylee working hard on some drawings.  I love that she can sit and draw for a long time and keep herself entertained.  

My ward played for Region in church Volleyball and it was a blast!  And we were pretty good too.  I have had so much fun playing and getting to know these ladies!  Brenda Barrett, Barbi Mecham, Mindy Rowley, Sonya Brooksby, Jill Watkins, me and Christa Wosnik.  Front:  Dawn Yorgason, Tarasha Haslam, Emily Huber, Cassie Milligan and Karen Hansen

We made some cute team scrunchies, too
Rylee drew herself a mustache....

More cute baby girl in her high chair.  

Rylee had a cheer camp at Sky View.  Logan wanted a pic with the bobcat.  (Years later....we now know he won't ever be a Bobcat....)

Another Aggie Game

For FHE we made Thankful Turkeys

Little trouble maker!  up on the chair, on the computer, with a marker AND no diaper!  Breaking ALL the rules at once!  
Cutest Bum!  

Poor Logan.  He had a little spider vein growth on his face and we decided to have it removed.  He had to go to Primary Childrens and they used a laser on it.  He was pretty sad after.  I don't think we realized it would be so traumatic....  
This was the before.....

Under the bandaid....  We felt pretty bad about it after.  We did ask him before if he wanted to do this and he did.  I just don't think any of us realized how much of a procedure it was and the recovery after.  He did heal up great though.  

Native American Day for Kindergarten

Rylee made this fun turkey apple at Joy School
Rylee did the Sky View cheer camp and loved it!  She looked so cute and loved performing!  

I ran a 5k with some ladies in my ward.  It was really fun!  I didn't train for it so I was a bit out of shape and it ended up being in the rain (Who runs a 5k in November???)  It was fun though!  
Emily Huber, Cheryl Benson, me, Jill Watkins and Amy Evans
Jill Watkins, Cheryl Benson, me, Amy Evans, Brenda Barrett and Emily Huber

I had the cutest cheerleaders!  They made signs and came to cheer me to the finish!  
First snow of the year and these guys weren't mad about it.  They love playing in the snow!  

Daddy is the best sport to go and play in the snow with them.  Even if he gets piled on and targeted by all the snowballs!  

She looks like the staypuff marshmallow man...

Bundled up....  Not sure why she thought gloves went on her feet....
Logan all ready for the Kindergarten Thanksgiving Feast.  
More antics from our little troublemaker!  Always climbing on things!  

Legit Blizzard!  

More Aggie Games

Getting ready to trim the tree....  Rylee organized all of our ornaments for us.  
Topping the tree!  
Home Alone Movie Night!  We are getting so excited for Christmas!

Letters to Santa....  
Not sure if the print will show up well in the book.  It says:  Dear Santa, How are you?  I have been a really good girl this year.  For Christmas I would like 1 -Pony with a silver Saddle 2 - Barbie Princess Set  3- Toy Story Barbie   Thanks Santa!  Love, Rylee Webber
And her cute signature
Got to love the PS - My baby sister would ove a doll, Elmo and maybe a phone.  Thank you!  
Logan's letter...  He wrote it himself this year.  I love the Phonetic spelling and that he uses the symbols for long and short sounds.  Deer Santa, I want 1 - Kinect  2- Leepster 2  3- Hot weels  I have been very good.  From Logan
We went to the theater to see Tangled.  It was SO cute!  I think its going to be a favorite around here.  We are listening to the music non stop!  


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