Thursday, December 2, 2010

Downata Hot Springs

I am SO far behind on the blog, I don't even know where to start, so I just picked a random post that I had uploaded pictures for but never finished... Back in July, (July 29) we made a quick day trip up to Downata Hot Springs. It is about a 45 minute drive or so for us in Idaho. We had so much fun! We left in the early afternoon and made the drive and had a little picnic. We wanted it to be a family trip, but it is hard to get everyone in my family somewhere at the same time. So, we had our little family, Grandma and Grandpa and Jeff, Brad and Kyle, and Vanessa and her then boyfriend (now fiance) Brian. We missed Uncle Dean and Aunt Laura and Aunt Heather, Uncle Jay and Ethan!
Two of the cutest girls you will ever see in their adorable swim coverups!

All 3 kiddos! With their uncles there and all the fun, they weren't too interested in the food! They just wanted to get swimming!

Avery modeling my sunglasses! Isn't she cute? So, the weather looked great when we got there, but there were a few clouds in the distance. They moved in pretty quick though and by the time we finished our lunch, it looked like it would probably start raining soon. We paid for us to go, and as soon as we got our wristbands on and started to change, they announced the pool was closed due to lightning in the area! Great! They had big signs everywhere that said "NonRefundable" and we hadn't even got in the water yet... well, I think my brothers did, but not the rest of us! We were pretty bummed. We had to hang out in the little building and hope the storm passed over. Luckily for us, about a half hour later, they let us back out! Yeah!!!
Logan had a blast swimming! They had a water slide that he loved! They wouldn't let him go down with a life jacket though, so Grandpa was a good sport and always at the bottom to catch him. Logan got really good though and by the end of the day, he was swimming to the side all on his own. I guess those swim lessons paid off!
Logan ready for another turn on the slide
Logan with Grandpa
Rylee chilling in the kiddie pool - We all loved this place because the water was SO warm! Me and the girls hate swimming in cold pools!
Rylee and Grandma
They also had this way cute splash pad that the kids loved! Logan was running all over from place to place and having so much fun!
I think these little fountains were everyone's favorites.
Rylee really liked conducting the fountains and telling them when to go up and down. It was hilarious - She is a little bossy!
Cute Ry
Logan spraying Uncle Kyle - He thought he was so funny!
Daddy playing, too.
Aren't they so cute?
Avery and Papa
After awhile I put Avery in the fountains to see what she would do. I thought she would be a little nervous about it, but she LOVED it!
I love those chunky thighs!
Logan with his partner in crime - Uncle Kyle. They are so cute together!

I love that big smile!
My girls playing together - They were having so much fun!
Me and Logan
Daddy and Avery
Darren drove up after work and met us there right about the time that they reopened the place up. We stayed for about 2 or 3 hours and had so much fun! They had lots of fun slides (we could never get Logan to go down the big ones) and the water was awesome! It was a fun day! When we were ready to go, another big storm hit and they cleared the pool again and wouldn't let us shower or anything so it was kind of crazy to get out of there, but we finally got all our stuff and got on the road. It was a fun family day! I think we will go back again soon!

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