Thursday, December 16, 2010

Pool Day

Just when I think I am making some progress, I realize how far behind I really am!!! I am going to try and just get as much as I can posted, so it might not be very good journaling or fun to read, but at least it is done!!!

Aug 6 - Some girls in our ward were going to the Brigham City pool, so I decided to take the kids for a day at the pool! Taking all 3 kids to the pool alone is a little scary because there is a lot of watching to do and if one needs something, I have to get all of them out of the pool to take care of it. Luckily, I talked my sister into meeting me there and she brought along my 2 brothers, Kyle and Jeff to entertain the kids and help me out! Yeah for family!!! We had never been to that pool before, but it was super fun! They had a couple small slides that the kids went down about 100 times each and also some big twisty slides. I had to drag them on those, but they ended up liking them. I even took Avery and she seemed to enjoy it! She also went once with Uncle Jeff! I talked Heather into taking little Ethan and slipped at the bottom and the poor guy got dunked! Oops! It was a fun day! Maybe being so far behind on blogging has its good points...I get to see all these pictures of the SUN and get excited about SUMMER!!! We took our first walk of the year today. It was much colder than it looked outside, but the snow is melting... Maybe another pool day isn't so far away!!!

Ry swimming with Uncle Jeff
The kids LOVED the mushroom slide!
Avery having a little yogurt for lunch
Logan taking his first of many rides down the BIG slide! I don't know why he was so scared - he ended up LOVING it!!!
Our little crew...minus me and Avery
Avery and Ethan - People always think these two are twins when we go places. Nope...just cute cousins! They are about 4 weeks apart
How cute is this??? Uncle Jeff and Rylee - such cute buddies! And...he's single if anyone needs to set him up with a cute girl...
Ry loving the slide!
Avery chilling in her float

Logan going for another ride on the slide

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