Monday, December 27, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

Thanksgiving 2010.  It was a Boman year this year.  And I was pretty obsessed with their cute matching plaid outfits!  This year we had my immediate family plus both Great Grandmas and Uncle Ric and Aunt Joan, Uncle Stephen and Aunt Cindy and Uncle Mike and their family.  Lots of bodies but it was a great Thanksgiving!  

Love these kiddos!  

Thanksgiving dinner was delicious!  Grandma Boman always makes it SO yummy!!!  

We pretty much had our own table this year!  

Brian and Vanessa, Brad, Uncle Mike and Aunt Cindy and Hannah

Great Grandma Boman, Aunt Joan and Uncle Ric,Kyle, Brad and Camille Schultz
Grandma Boman, Dean and Laura, Grandpa Boman, Uncle Stephen and Jeff
Michaella, Elise, Great Grandma Pauline, Darren and me, Logan and Rylee, Heather, Jay and Ethan
Having some ice cream

 Just feeding the baby....

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