Monday, December 20, 2010

Avery's FIRST Birthday

I am working on printing my blog books from 2010 (13 years later...) and realized I somehow missed putting in Avery's birthday. These posts are all out of order and I missed a lot of things!  I posted her 1 year pics and lots of things about her at ONE year old and even posts about her at 13 and 14 months but somehow never posted her actual birthday pics.  I think this happens with her birthday a lot because I'm always trying to catch things up from summer and the busy start of school!  Anyway....  Since it is years later, I don't have a lot to journal about her day but wanted to at least include some pictures.  Avery was the sweetest baby!  So full of joy and the best smiles and so much personality!  We all love her so much!  

For Avery's birthday we celebrated by taking a little picnic to Willow Park.  We got Happy Meals and played at the park and went to the zoo.  
Avery LOVES the swing!!!
Fun at the zoo.  Avery loves to point!  

She wants to go on her own SO bad!  She is walking a little here and there and its pretty cuteTime for presents!!!  Such a happy baby!
Logan and Rylee were such great helpers with presents!  

She loved her gifts!  She got a cute flip phone, some toy keys, some cute little musical instrument toys (Avery LOVES music) some books and she LOVES her sock monkey!  

Daddy gets the girls flowers on their birthday.  Its pretty cute!  
I love that she walks like this with her hands up in the air.  Like a little monkey!  She is getting to be pretty good at walking! Birthday Dinner!!!  Spaghetti!  Avery's favorite!  I think it was all my babies fav when they were little!  Cutest Spaghetti face!
Time for cake!!!  

This means All Done.  
Birthday Bath!
We had a fun little Cupcake themed party for Avery with our family.  Some of the decor....

The birthday girl loved the balloons!  And the presents!  And the cake!!!  Her outfit was pretty stinkin cute!

She wanted this baby OUT!!!  

Cute new bike from Grandma and Grandpa B
Digging in....

Damage done.  Barely made a dent but she loved the frosting and candy!  
Ethan and Avery - Cutest cousins only 3 weeks apart.  
Avery and some of the party guests.  She wasn't having it and I didn't get very many.  Uncle Dean and Aunt Laura, Grandma and Grandpa B and Great Grandmas.  
She found some cupcake at the end of the party....

Aunt V also took a few pics of the birthday girl before the party...

We love our baby Avery!  

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