Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Vacation Day 7: Back to the Beach

I really want to get this vacation done and posted so I can post something more recent! Here is the next day of our California trip from July.

The original plan for Wednesday (July 21) was to either go back to Disneyland or to go to Sea World, but Darren wasn't feeling very well still and didn't think he could do that, so we had to do a little changing of the plans. We had a beach day scheduled for Thursday with the whole family, but we decided we were going to have to switch some things around and decided to have more of a down day and do the beach and hopefully Darren would feel better the next day. Luckily, some of our family (Brian and Val and their family and Kevin, April and Haley) also had flexible plans and could change things and come with us so the kids could have some cousins to play with. Not everyone could change their plans, so we missed out on a whole family day at the beach, but a more laid back day was what Darren needed to recover and me and the kids were pretty tired from Disneyland, so it was good for all of us!

Since we were kind of changing things around and deciding what we were doing, we kind of slept in and had a yummy breakfast at the hotel and just had a relaxed morning. Once we finally got everything figured out and everyone dressed and packed up, it was lunch time so we made a stop at In-N-Out Burger, which a Webber family vacation staple!
So, we went to In-N-Out Burger, but my kids begged to eat their Lunchables we had packed for the beach instead. Whatever...

Logan entertained us while we ate with this lovely pole dancing on the table. Not sure where he learned that...

Our family on the beach! Oh, how I wish I could be on the beach RIGHT now! My little Rylee is a beach baby and she has been asking to go to the beach for the past few weeks... I miss summer! We had a great day on the beach! It was very relaxed and we were only there for a few hours, which to me is perfect! We didn't have to haul as much stuff and it was much warmer than our day there on Monday. We had a great time! Most of this is just pictures... I don't have a lot to say about our day. The kids loved playing in the sand and with their cousins and Ry spent the entire day digging and digging and Logan spent most of his day back in the waves.
My cute kiddos!
Sweet girls in their matching beach attire
Rylee tackling Avery trying to give her a hug
I love this beach baby! Miss Avery is looking oh, so cute!
Avery looking cool in her shades! I think sunglasses on a baby is just so funny for some reason.

Avery playing in the mud - She made a HUGE mess, but had so much fun doing it!
Crawling on the beach
I wasn't sure what she would think about the water, but she did pretty good with it.

Rylee was so happy to have a little buddy to dig in the sand with. Her and her cousin, Lauren, spent most of the day digging and building sand castles and stuff together. They are about 5 ears apart, but they still had a lot of fun together!
My beach girl, Rylee - I love her!!!
Logan spent most of his day playing in the waves again, but he did come out and build some castles with his cousins for a little bit, too. He loves the water!

Daddy and Rylee working on a sand creation with their cousins Spencer and Lauren

I love her sand covered face!
My handsome surfer boy - He didn't stand still long enough for many pictures, but I love this one of him!

Logan and Rylee decided they wanted to be buried in the sand. They weren't too sure about it once Daddy started to bury them.
Daddy covered their faces so they wouldn't get sand in their eyes...
Those are 2 cute heads in the sand! They lasted this way about 10 seconds...
Lauren and Rylee hard at work

Daddy chatting with Uncle Brian - He loves the time to spend with his brothers on the trip
Look at all the sand!
Spencer buried Lauren in the sand - I think the way her head is popping up out of the sand is so funny!

She is so happy on the beach! I love it!!!
Logan with sand all over his neck and ears!
I love this boy!
Ready to run back into the waves
Logan is playing with his cousin, Haley
He had so much fun running in and out of the waves
Playing with Daddy - They are the best of buddies!
I told Darren this is his Baywatch picture.... He might be mad I put it on the blog... He is looking pretty hot though....
Logan all wet from playing in the waves
Ry being silly with her umbrella
Once he was out of the water, Logan was tired and cold and curled up in his towel! Such a sweet boy!
On the way home, Rylee was coloring on the dry erase on the way home and totally zonked out. She was exhausted!!!
The funny part was that she kept coloring even after she was asleep and it ended up all over her hands.
To clean off all our sand, we took a dip in the pool! Avery loved kicking her legs in the pool and splashing us all.
Avery giving Daddy one of her looks...
Splashing some more...
Avery and Daddy having fun in the hot tub

Look at that sweet baby face!!!
Cute Rylee swimming
We didn't quite get all the sand off in the pool, so we decided we probably needed a real bath, too. For some reason, baths are always more fun in the hotel! Now, we needed to get to bed and get ready for a marathon day at Disneyland!!!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

You have the cutest kids in the world! They have the prettiest eyes! What an adorable family you have!!!!