Friday, December 17, 2010

The Rest of August...

Yeah! I just finished spring cleaning my mud room and utility room/food storage and they look awesome! Now if I could get to the rest of my house that has now been neglected and also spring clean my pictures to catch up my blog... This at least finishes another month that I am trying to catch up on from a LONG time ago...
Aug 2 - Logan and Rylee loved this little pet caterpillar Dad found for them in the back yard. They had a great time with him and loved him so much we ended up keeping him for a few weeks! We were hoping he would turn into a butterfly, but he didn't make it... He did shed his skin once and change to black and orange instead of white. He lasted a couple of weeks.

Watching the caterpillar crawl on the patio. They were seriously in love with this little guy!

Aug 2 - Logan and Rylee got to go to water fun camp at Mrs Nicole's Preschool for a couple of days this week. They LOVED it!!!
Aug 2 - Cute Avery trying out a bike for the first time! She loved it but could only get it going backwards.
Aug 3 - Aunt Vanessa painted Rylee's toes for her and I just loved this picture of her - She looks so grown up like she is reading a magazine while she has her pedicure! I love this Princess!!!
Aug 6 - Avery was in heaven with her first taste of spaghetti! She LOVED it and ate tons! She just kept signing more, more. She isn't really liking baby food these days - She prefers the real food, and I think spaghetti might just be her new fav!
Aug 8 - Avery...just because she is so cute!
Aug 8 - Avery is learning to give kisses! They are so sweet, but a little slobbery and always open mouth!
Kisses for daddy
Aug 11 - Avery was being so funny on this morning! She discovered a new game that she thought was hilarious! She would push off from the couch and put her hands up in the air and stand all by herself until she fell, either on her bum or into the couch. Then she would laugh and laugh and do it again...and again... and again! She was keeping us all very entertained!
Aug 11 - Avery in some Princess dressups! She was a good sport to go along with Rylee's dressups! She looks so stinkin' cute!

My 2 little Princesses!
Aug 14 - Rylee is always telling me to take her picture. Just because! I love it!
Aug 15 - Avery LOVES this Dancing Brobee toy! She gets so excited and really rocks out along with him while he dances! It is so funny to watch. It is also funny because Logan was TERRIFIED of these toys as a baby, but Avery LOVES them! They are her favorite. I guess that is what happens when you are the 3rd baby and you are used to all the craziness!
Aug 17 - My kids love to play restaurant at meal time! One day, they wanted to play Ariel's grotto, so I hurried and came up with this star fish sandwich and what was left over made a perfect lobster...ok maybe not perfect, but use your imagination! They LOVED it! It was so fun!
Aug 18 - One morning I woke up and Avery wasn't next to me! I knew she was just a little while before. She had woken up and I had gotten her out of her crib and put her in our bed, but when I woke up a little bit later, she wasn't there. I got up to look for her and found her laying in a pile of unmated socks in the corner of our bedroom! She looked pretty comfy and actually slept a while longer there. Funny Baby!

Aug 18 - Avery's first haircut... BEFORE...
and After! I kind of hate the first haircut! It always makes me a little sad and they always look so grown up afterwards! My sister Heather did it and she only took a tiny bit off, but it still changed her a lot!
Aug 20 - Nothing makes me happier than to see my kids playing so cute together! On this day, I went upstairs to find all the stuffed animals lined up across our toy room on pillows and blankets and Rylee tucking Logan in and talking about what a great camp they had made. (She is hiding under the pink blanket...) They told me they were playing Camp Minnie/Mickey and they were on their way to Disneyland. I love when they use their imagination and have so much fun together...even when it makes a mess! It makes my day!
Aug 20 - Avery attempted to walk behind the stroller and took about 3 steps before she fell. That was a first!
Aug 21 - Being the HUGE Aggie fans that we are, we attended the Blue/White football scrimmage that they have before their first game each year. It was SO hot! Rylee was perfectly happy to just hang out in the shade.
Logan wanted to try out all the stations. This one was a kicking one.
This one was throwing. He was having a hard time and throwing it like a basketball at first... but the players were so cute with him and helped him out a lot.

Getting autographs! Rylee was so shy! All the players were really cute and kept telling her they loved her bows, but she wouldn't talk to them (or even look at them!) at all! Logan was NOT shy! He kept saying "sup man?" and was also telling them to have a good season and they all thought he was hilarious. One of the players tried to give Logan his gloves, but Logan told him he only played soccer! When we were leaving a couple players gave Logan their gloves and he was really excited to hang them up in his sports room! Our little Aggie fans - Notice their little RED faces! It was a HOT day! Aug 23 - Avery is REALLY digging the big people food! We had some cheesy pasta (one of my kids' favs) and she LOVED it! This is also one of my favorite little expressions that she does - This picture doesn't totally capture it, but she looks down with her head, but up at you with her eyes and is so expressive with her eyebrows. Such a funny...and messy... girl! Aug 25 - Avery happy to have the REMOTE!!! She loves the remote and phones and all that kind of stuff! Aug 25 - Me and Logan at his Back To School night. Another first! I still can't believe that he is in Kindergarten sometimes! I felt a little old going to Back To School night! We are starting a whole new chapter at our house. Logan is so excited for school and has the cutest kindergarten teacher ever!
Aug 26 - Miss Avery - 11 months old!!! Aug 26 - We spent the afternoon at the park with the Jackman's. Jenn and I were chatting and look over and Logan and Morgan had taken off their shirts and were wrestling! Boys will be boys, I guess! Rylee and Madi hiding out in the shade - They are the cutest little friends! Avery tried to climb up the slide over and over... When we got home from the park, we got out our bikes. I had Avery try this little walker and she walked ALL the way down the driveway and then turned and kept going down the sidewalk! I was shocked!!! I guess we will have a little walker soon!
Look at her go! I love the determination! These two crack me up - With all the bikes we have, they always want the same one!
Gotta love the bike weather!
Aug 28 - One of our local Dollar stores did a promotion where you could go and donate some toys or money and get your picture taken with these Star Wars guys. We got there and it was a little on the ghetto side, but Logan was in heaven! Rylee was totally terrified and wouldn't go near any of them. It was a little wierd, but still fun and Logan was so happy!
Logan was just a little disappointed that none of his favorites were there... He really wanted to meet Darth Vader! Aug 29 - Avery is getting REALLY good at climbing the stairs! She can go up and down so fast!
Aug 29 - My cute nephew Ethan celebrated his FIRST birthday! Ethan and Avery - Aren't these 2 so cute? They are only about 4 weeks apart and it is so far to watch them change and grow together!
Aug 30 - Avery and her funny teeth! She now has 3 on the top and one on the bottom and she has a gap for one of the front ones. They have come in in a wierd order.
Aug 31- Logan at his Kindergarten assessment. Is this really happening??? He was very excited to meet his teacher one on one and did great! He knew all his letters and sounds and his teacher was shocked when he started reading some of the directions. He also did some basic math and he counted past 100! He is such a smartie! I didn't even know he could do that! His teacher is so excited to have him!
Well...another month I can cross off my list... Only a bunch more to go!

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