Tuesday, December 14, 2010


I hate, Hate, HATE how far behind I am on my blog! I can't stand how much stuff I am missing! It is driving me crazy and I am so overwhelmed with it, I can't seem to get going again... Maybe someday I'll have it all together!

I have to jot down this funny Logan quote from yesterday though. We were making candy houses with some friends and among all the kinds of candy, there were Gobstoppers. Logan had never tried them before and was pretty excited to use them on his house, and even more excited to eat some! (After all, when you make candy houses, you eat more candy than you put on your house!) We were all busy with the houses, when Logan announced, "Wow! That really stopped my Gob!" You got to love that kid!

On a side note, he also announced in Primary on Sunday, "I was watching Jay Leno...." he kept going, but that is about all I heard because I was dying of embarrassment! He watched it at Grandpa's house - We do not let him watch Jay Leno on a regular basis, just to clear that up!

Just another funny little thing - Tonight we were doing some major cleaning since my house looks a little like a natural disaster zone, or at least it did until tonight. We were trying to make the kids help, but they started playing together and it was so cute, I couldn't stop them. Plus, while they were playing, we got WAY more done! They were playing Lebron James (Logan is currently obsessed with all things Lebron, which shouldn't be a suprise since Bron Bron was one of his first words thanks to my brothers...) and Lebron's mom (Rylee). It was hilarious! Logan kept trying to "go to his game", but Rylee would always seem to stop him and make sure he ate breakfast or put on his hat and gloves because "its freezing out there!" She is SUCH a mom! It is funny to watch the dynamic because she tells him EVERYTHING he is supposed to do and he just goes along with it. Such different personalities! I love my kiddos and I especially love when they play together so cute!

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