Sunday, December 12, 2010

WAY back in July...

I am SO bugged about this post! I had it almost done about 2 weeks ago, and then it all disappeared! It made me SOO mad! Anyway - This is the rest of our July. We did a few things in between the holiday celebrations and family trips. (I am still working on our Disney trip posts and might be for awhile!) I realize it was a FEW months ago, but it makes me happy to see the sun in these pictures! And, I am REALLY THAT far behind!
July 7th - We made a trip to Willow Park Zoo with our ward play group. There was a few girls who put together fun little weekly field trips and it was a lot of fun. Unfortunately, we couldn't make it to very many with all the crazy stuff going on in summer, but this one was lots of fun! Avery had so much fun on her first trip to our little zoo! I can't believe it took us so long to get her there! She especially loved the monkeys and the ducks.
The kids checking out some animals
Cute little stroller baby
Rylee wanted to pet the big tortoise. Silly girl!
All 3 kiddos - Avery is too busy with her snacks to smile! I do love her foot sticking out the bottom.
Cute girls - Allie, Allie's cousin, Rylee and Madi - We love this ward! The kids have so many cute friends to play with! These girls are so cute together!
The boys and Nora! James, Logan, Morgan and Nora (Logan's soccer crush!)
This is just a small portion of the BIG group we had that day, but we were the only ones who lasted until the end for pictures. Isn't that a cute bunch of kids? Sarah, Allie's cousin, Olivia, Rylee, Madi, James, Logan, Allie, Morgan, Nora, Avery and Miles
The mommys - Jenn, Jen and I
Avery watching the monkeys - She LOVED them!!!
My monkeys!
July 7th - Swinging in the backyard. We loved having the swingset all summer. Especially Avery! I don't think she was happier anywhere than in her swing!
Love that happy face and those cute toes!
Logan learning how to pump
Everyone loves to swing!
All 3 swinging
Ry loves to swing, too!

July 8th - This is totally gross, but it had me and Ry laughing so hard, we had to get a quick picture. Poor Avery and her gross bubble burgers!
July 8th - The grass is in and we got to try out the sprinklers for the VERY first time! The kids loved it! Logan was a little cautious at first, but soon he was loving it!
Avery wasn't feeling great, so I didn't want to get her in her suit and stuff. She loved watching the kids though and wanted to play, too. She is so funny when you put her in the grass though. She really isn't sure about it and doesn't really move because she hates the feel of the grass. That didn't last too long, but it was kind of nice to have her stay put for a little bit.

Ry running
This is an awful picture, but I love Logan's face! He looks like he is having so much fun!
July 9th - We were so excited to have our friend's from Vegas, the White's, come for a visit in July. We love hanging out with them and we were so happy we could return the favor and let them stay at our house since we stay at their's whenever we are in Vegas. The kids had a ball with their kids and we got to go out for a nice adult dinner, the girls did some shopping and the boys golfed. I did an awful job taking pictures while they were here, because we were having so much fun! We did go to Aggie Ice Cream one night, so they could see where the REALLY good Utah ice cream comes from. I think they liked it, but they probably wouldn't admit it. Rylee loved her PINK cone!
Logan covered in chocolate
Daddy and Ry - I love her excited face! She loves her Aggie Ice Cream!
Natalie and Logan - such cute little buddies! He asks when he can see her again all the time!
I think this might have been Avery's first real taste of ice cream and she was LOVING it!!! She couldn't get enough and wanted it to keep coming faster!
Some of our group - Spencer, Jen, Natalie, Rylee and Darren
July 10 - We got out the kiddie pool and the kids had a blast! We REALLY enjoyed having a yard this summer! It was our first time since being married that we had our VERY own grass and it was exciting for us. The kids loved it even more, I think. The slide into the pool was a big hit!

I think the water was a little cold!
When they were done, I found the kids like this.... I think they were being turtles and they were trying to warm up. They are so funny sometimes!
Emerging from their shells...
July 10 - You can't spend a summer here without a trip to the Demolition Derby! It is the best! The people watching there can't be beat! The kids really enjoyed it, too, although Rylee wasn't too sure about the loud noises. She looks good in her shades though.
Logan checking out the action! He was really into it and all the numbers on the cars and everything.
Avery was there, too and SO stinkin' cute!
I love my little diva!
I am so lucky to have such a happy baby who just goes with the flow and lets us do fun things! I love it! She loves to be out and about!
Logan is one cool dude!

Logan still loves his thumb.... and loves rubbing someone else's thumb even more! I'm still not sure when this ever started...or if it will ever stop.

July 11 - Avery at 41 weeks
July 13 - Little Miss A looking cute in Piggys! And starting to crawl EVERYWHERE!!!
July 12 - We took a trip to California in July and ordered the girls some new car seats. Rylee was so excited about her new PINK big girl car seat! She couldn't wait to try it out.
July 13 - Darren mowing the lawn for the FIRST time!!! Yeah!!! It feels so great to have grass!!! I don't know if we will still be so excited to mow the lawn next summer, but this summer it was a great thing.

July 25 - On our way back from California, we stopped at my parent's house for dinner. My cute little brother Kyle saved Logan and Rylee each a sparkler since we missed all the festitives for the 24th of July (Pioneer day). They loved it! What a cute uncle!

July 28 - Another little field trip day with the ward, this time to the Aquatic Center. The kids had a blast and I got sunburned from being in the sun way too long! We had a great time! Here is Logan with his buddy, Morgan. They spent most of the time playing Orca and trainer, I think since we had just got back from Sea World. Funny boys! It was a little scary at one point because Logan was trying to ride on Morgan's back and I think he almost drowned him! They had a great time though.
Rylee and her best buddy, Madi.
Avery hanging out poolside and showing off her very first tooth!!! She cut it while we were in California.

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