Sunday, December 19, 2010

Rylee Starts Joy School

Sept 9, 2010 - Rylee's first day of Joy School.  Sadly I did not journal about this at the time.  Or at least I can't find anywhere where I did.  However, its pretty obvious by her face that she was excited to go to school like big brother.  I didn't really want to do 2 years of preschool but she was definitely ready for something and Joy School worked out perfectly.  Once a week and I hosted once a month.  She had such a cute bunch.  She loved it!  

So excited to have a backpack and go to school like Logan!

Doing some play doh
Listening to Teacher Bethany

Joy School has super cute music and actions.  Rylee loved it!  
Story Time

She did a fun art project and was so proud of it!  

Rylee, Jake Zook, Andrew Francis and Artia Faux

A couple weeks later it was our turn to host at our house.  Rylee was so excited to have everyone over!  

We made TP roll binoculars and did some exploring.  So cute!  


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