Wednesday, December 22, 2010

October, Part 1

Some random happenings from October...  (Posted years later to catch up...)

Rylee playing.  Her favorite thing is to line stuff up.  She is constantly lining up her toys or sorting and rearranging them.  I think its so funny.  

USU vs BYU game.  I love our cute little true blue Aggie fans!

Avery somehow managed to fall alseep in the middle of all the chaos!  
We won!!!  That is pretty rare so the students stormed the field.  
Some dang proud Aggies!  
Book worm - This cute book Avery got for her bday has a little mirror in it.  She LOVES to see herself in the book!
Playing in the sprinklers...  in October!  Not always an option but its been super warm this year.  

Avery was so brave and loved getting right in the Sprinkler!  She toddles around so cute right now.  And the big kids loved running and jumping over it!  

Fun day at the Fun Park with our friends, the Watkins.  

General Conference Weekend - These guys were really into coloing their packets and playing conference bingo.  It was really cute!  

Crazy Aver upside down!  Tickles from dad and so many smiles and giggles!  

Avery's 1 year well check.  She was pretty sad about shots until she got that sucker.  
Playing at the playground after Logan's Parent Teacher Conference.  This kid is an awesome student and got great reviews and Avery is a regular Monkey on the playground!  

Bowling with the Jackman's on our day off of school.  So fun that everyone has a buddy!  
Rylee and Madi are the cutest besties
Logan and Morgan

Logan's drawing for Red Ribbon Week.  Him playing soccer.  

Another soccer game for Logan.  He's pretty entertaining to watch.  
Back yard campout!  These guys thought it was so awesome!  

Cutest little soccer fans
Avery on her phone

Avery got into some markers....

Girls night in!   We painted toes and fingernails!  

Rylee thought she was funny trying on Logan's Halloween costume.
We spent a fun day of UEA break at the Fall Festival at the Great American West Heritage Center with our friends, the Watkins.  The kids had a great time and her sweet girls are so helpful!  

Petting zoo was a big hit!  

Playing on the swings.

Getting a push from Whitney

This giant slide and climbing the haybales was probably the favorite part of the day.  

Cute Brooke and Whitney taking Avery down the slide.  

Rylee found a good hiding spot.  
Logan working on roping a steer.  And he ended up in the stocks...

We ended the day with pony rides and a ride on the train!  They loved it!  Even Avery got a ride!

Riding the train with their buddies - Whitney, Brooke and Gracie Watkins

Such a fun family day!  

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