Thursday, December 23, 2010

October, Part 2

More from October....

Family Movie Night.  These guys love getting all snuggled up for a movie and treats

We went up the canyon to explore one of our favorite places - Spring Hollow Campground.  It's so fun to visit in the fall.  And the waterfall is so pretty.  

Making a Haunted Gingerbread house

Trying to keep little miss busy while the others decorate so she doesn't wreck it.  
They were pretty proud of their cool house!  

These guys made a funny "Drive In" movie spot in the garage while we were cleaning out the car

Little miss is trouble lately!  She is into everything!  

Bron finished up his Fall soccer season.  He didn't know many of the other kids but had fun playing with his buddy, Morgan.  And its always entertaining!  Definitely has this ready pose down....

Cutest soccer fan!  She is happy as long as she has treats!  
Hanging out with the Lifferth's at a USU football game

Picking out some Pumpkins at the Pumpkin Patch

Poor baby gets pretty tired trying to keep up with the big kids!  

We went on Logan's class field trip to the Pumpkin Walk.  So much fun!  

Logan's cute class - Logan is the far right on the front row

Rylee loved Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs and Logan loved the Peter Pan scene

These cut outs are always a favorite for the kids.... they wanted to try them all!  

The cutest Yoda


We went back another time with the Watkins girls.  The kids had a great time with them!  

So many fun Halloween festivities in October....  The ward party was a blast!  Logan even let us paint his face but then was pretty upset when Rylee won a prize for the best costume and he didn't.  It was a really fun party!  Face painting and lots of fun games for the kids!  

Logan also had a super fun Halloween Kindergarten carnival at school.  I helped out with the pumpkin walk.  It was the cutest little party!  

Me and my cute little Yoda!  

The cake walk was a favorite!  

Looks like Avery is in some serious Halloween makup but its just a red velvet cupcake!  
Rylee had a fun little Halloween party with her Joy School bunch.  Arita was missing so it was just Rylee and the boys - Jake and Andrew.  

What a ham!  

We had these cute Mummy cupcakes as a treat!  
Fun night at the Blue and White Aggie scrimmage.  We love basketball season!  Autographs were the hightlight.  Rylee was pretty proud of her poster.
Logan getting a signature from Brady Jardine
Logan and his favorite player - Tai Wesley
Cheering on the Aggies

Avery loves apples!  She just goes for the whole thing at once!  BIG bites!  
Cutest little bookworm!  

Carving pumpkins.  Logan wasn't too big of a fan of touching the "guts"

Rylee drew on her pumpkins first.  She wanted an Ariel pumpkin
Had to contain this little terror....

Finished Product.  All 5 Pumpkins!  Dad did most of the carving..

Rylee and her silly face.  She was thrilled with her Ariel Pumpkin!  

Avery got an RSL pumpkin - Thats what happens when you are too little to choose and Dad is doing the carving.

Logan chose Pablo from Backyardigans

Cute cousins Avery and Ethan at the family Halloween party.

Ready to trick or treat at the Mall.  

We had Jackolatern pizza on Halloween

Making some cookies

More trick or treating....

Some fun pics in their Halloween costume....  That wig was pretty epic!  

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