Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Vacation Day 4: Goofy's Kitchen

Ok - I am back with another vacation post! On Sunday, July 18th we went to church in the morning and then we went to Goofy's Kitchen with the whole family. Might not be the best Sabbath day activity, but it is so hard on vacation! Goofy's Kitchen is one of our VERY favorite places to go! We were so excited!!!
This is our big, crazy fam - well minus a few. You can imagine how thrilled the restaurant is when we show up, right? Table for 31??? It is funny to compare this same shot from each vacation and see the family grow. Last time we went, Ry was a tiny baby - only 2 months old. We added one new sister-in-law, Katie, and 2 new baby girls for this trip - Sophey and Avery. We were so sad that Curt, Carla and Raegan had to miss the trip! We really missed them!
Driving this car seemed to be a big highlight for all the kids while we waited for our reservation. This is Madi, Parker, Rylee, Haley and Lauren

My cute niece, Madi, and some of the boys - Logan, Taylor and Hayden. Madi is such a good helper with all the little kids!
Logan driving- I'm not sure how he got the car all to himself...

Our family
Meeting Chef Pluto - This is Avery's first character encounter. I thought she might be nervous, but she was in LOVE with Pluto and kept waving to him and wanted to grab him the whole time.

Daddy and Ry ready to eat!
Avery still waving at Pluto while everyone else got their pictures taken. We are so lucky that she is such a good baby! She is always happy!
As soon as we went to get seated (FINALLY!!!), Ry spotted not just one, but TWO REAL Princesses! She was in heaven!!! Here she is with Jasmine, Sleeping Beauty and her cousins Katie and Lauren
The girls with the Princesses - This was Avery's first Princess encounter! Mom was a little sad it couldn't be Belle, but we'll take it!
One more shot with just Ry. I loved seeing her with the Princesses! So sweet!

Then it was time to get our grub on! Avery was loving it!!! Goofy's Kitchen has some delicious food and we all stuffed ourselves. Or at least we tried to in between all the picture taking. It does get a little chaotic with all the characters and all the cousins.

Rylee and her plate of food - Yummy!

Logan chowing down. They had tons of delicious food and he chose a hot dog... Something is wrong with this picture! Logan actually just couldn't wait to be finished. He was much more excited to go to ESPN Zone and use the rest of his tokens than he was to be at Goofy's Kitchen. What a funny kid! He kept telling us he was full, even though he hadn't really eaten because he was hoping we would leave. Once he figured out that wouldn't work, he ate a little bit more and had fun. He had the funniest conversation with my brother-in-law, Chris. He was telling him all about the ESPN Zone and trying to recruit them to come along and especially to bring his cousin Mason, his little buddy. I think he was trying to say it was mostly just for boys, but he did say somewhere in the conversation, "Oh yeah. And you can bring your wife." He is so funny sometimes!
Logan and Chip
Our family with Baloo. I was really excited to see him because in all our Disney trips, I don't think we have ever met Baloo!
Avery LOVED him!

Goofy's Kitchen is so much fun! Besides the yummy and fun food and the characters, they do little shows and dancing with the characters every half hour or so. The kids loved it!
Logan and Goofy
Mom needed a better Princess picture of Avery. I don't think she liked the Princesses as much as she did the HUGE and somewhat scary looking characters.... Here is one we got with Grandma.
My kiddies with Dale
Logan and his buddy Mase with Dale
Avery still eating...
Avery loved Dale, too.
Rylee and Goofy
Avery and Goofy...and Mom
Logan with his lovely Chocolate face!
Rylee and her Ice Cream

Our family with Chef Goofy- What a fun time!!! The only thing I was a little sad about was that whenever we have gone there before, it was for dinner and this time it was brunch or something. They usually have SOOO many desserts and that is all I really eat because they are delicious, but they didn't have as many for brunch. The food was still good though and we had a great time!
After eating, we went out and drove these little boats at the Disneyland Hotel. It was fun, especially because it was something both Darren and I remember doing as kids going to Disneyland. The kids had a lot of fun!
Logan steering the ship
Cute Captain Rylee
The girls chilling in the stroller in the shade. Avery got a balloon from Goofy's Kitchen. I think it might have been her first one ever. She was THRILLED with it! (It doesn't look like it in this picture, but she was....She just really wanted it off!) I didn't know if she would know what to do with it tied around her wrist, but she pulled the balloon right down to her and had her little arm going crazy making it jump and she thought it was so funny. It was good, cheap entertainment. Well...maybe not so cheap considering what dinner cost to get the balloon, but you know what I mean.

Logan outside the Disneyland Hotel
Logan and Rylee with Mickey...or the Mickey bush, I guess
We had promised Logan that we would go back to the ESPN Zone, so we did that next for a little while. Logan seriously could have spent the entire trip there and been so thrilled. We wouldn't have had to do anything else. He was sure to invite the whole family to join us there and was so excited to see them, but they all ended up doing different things and he was a little bummed. Once he got going though he kind of forgot and had so much fun! He loves table hockey!!!
Ry liked to sit on all the cars and motorcyles and all of that stuff. She didn't really care if she played or not.
Daddy and Avery
Avery LOVES to drive...or at least pretend to drive.

Even baby Avery had a blast at ESPN Zone. Look how happy she is!
Rylee really wanted to play this horse racing game, but she needed Daddy to help her. the end of the race I think Rylee was in tears and had whiplash because Daddy was riding so hard. I think they won though.

After we had enough fun at ESPN Zone, we headed back to the hotel. Some of the cousins were swimming, so we ended up joining them since we couldn't just sit in the room all day. The kids had been begging to go swimming since we left Utah and we hadn't had a chance yet. Swimming always seems to be the trip highlight for the kids. Here is Rylee jumping in to Madi. She loves the water now and has a blast in the pool! She loves to have her life jacket on so she can do it all by herself.
Log Bog

Rylee thinks it is fun to swim on her back
Cute Avery smiling at Daddy

Rylee jumping in to Daddy - She jumped in over and over and over....
I love Ry's smile in this picture. I don't know why it didn't turn...

My neice Lauren playing with Avery.

Avery relaxing in the hot tub.

I love that big smile!
Rylee hanging out in the hot tub
Avery getting all dried off

After the pool, we were all a little hungry. Swimming always does that to me! We grabbed some food at a Panda Express that was close to our hotel. Logan was so excited when we got there because there were some Police officers eating there. He went and said hello to them and they gave him this badge sticker. He thought it was so cool!
He got one for Rylee, too. She was too shy to talk to the Policemen.

Miss Avery LOVED the noodles! Apparently she is a big fan of Chinese food just like Mom and Dad.

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