Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Vacation Day One and Two: Lots of Driving!

Now that I am pretty much done posting December minus a couple last things, I am going to go back and catch up a few OLD posts from our family vacation in JULY! These will probably be interspersed randomly for a little while as I catch up and try to stay current at the same time. I know that it is completely ridiculous to be posting these SIX months later, but I hate to skip things, especially something as big as a vacation, so here is the first of a bunch of OLD vacation posts. It could take weeks, or maybe even six more months for me to finish these!!!

Our vacation started on Thursday, July 15th. Our dad worked that day until about 3 and then the plan was to leave as soon as he got home. Well, that didn't quite happen! Packing for 5 people for 10 days is a little crazy, so we didn't end up getting on the road until almost 6 and then we forgot something, so we had to turn around and get it and start again. We had to stop at my sister's house to pick up a car seat for Avery, so she offered to make us dinner. By the time we got there, it was about 7 and by the time we finished dinner and got the car seat installed, it was after 8:30 and we still had a FIVE hour drive to St George. We might have been crazy, but we kept going!

Aunt Heather also had some fun surprises for the kids to take with them in the car. She is so cute and always does nice things for them! Ry was thrilled with her Princess headband and book.

Logan got a Cars book and a dry erase board.
Avery got a cute Little Mermaid bath book.
Don't let this sweet, happy face fool you! As soon as we started driving, this girl was MAD and she SCREAMED (not just crying - SCREAMING LOUD) for over an HOUR and a HALF! It was so stressful!We were about to give up and find a hotel or something in about Lehi, but then she magically fell asleep just before 10 pm and we didn't dare to even stop for a potty break after that! We were afraid to even slow down because we didn't want her to wake up! At about 1:30, she woke up screaming again, but by then we only had about 20 minutes of driving left to get to Grandma and Grandpa's St George house.
Rylee sleeping so sweet with her bear Logan cuddled up with his Buffalo - There are no pictures of Avery sleeping because I was afraid it might wake her up and that screaming was the WORST! Somehow we made it to St George around 2 am! Crazy!

Friday, July 16 we got up and had breakfast and hung out with Grandma and Grandpa Webber for a little bit. The kids had fun going on a walk with Grandpa and just hanging out at their St. George house. Then, we went and saw our good friends from dental school, the Johnson's, who had just finished specialty school and moved to St George. They were so nice and fed us lunch and we had a good time visiting with them and seeing their house while our kids played with their adorable boys. I wished I would have gotten a picture, but I didn't. Then, it was on the road to Vegas!
Rylee reading her Princess book in the car. Such a good traveler!
Logan borrowed Uncle Kyle's Leapster and he LOVED playing it! He hardly made a sound the entire time in the car.
Avery did better on this drive because it was only about 2 hours and we planned it around her naptime. She did cry for about the last 30 minutes, but it wasn't as bad as the day before!
Once in Vegas, we had to make a stop at our old condo and check on some things. Unfortunately, our renters didn't leave it in the greatest shape when they moved out a few weeks before, so we had some work to do to get it rented back out. It was fun to go back and visit and reminisce a little. The kids had fun running around and Logan remembered it a little bit. We also visited our cute neighbor, Phyllis and her dog Angel. She was so sweet to us when we lived there and it was fun to see her again.

After that, we headed over to stay with our friend's, the White's, for the night. The kids get so excited any time we get to see their family and we always have fun staying there and visiting with them. I don't have any pictures so we must have been having too much fun. I don't even remember what we did, but I'm sure it was a good time! Then, it was to bed to get ready for another LONG day of travel...

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