Sunday, December 12, 2010


Back in June, my Logan turned FIVE and since then, I have been compiling a list of things in my head to include in a post about him at 5 years old. The problem is, I hadn't taken the time to type it, so hopefully I can remember them! I figured I should get it posted since he will be five and a half in a few weeks and due for another post! I did do a little post on his birthday, but I wanted to add a few more things.

These are also the five year pictures I had done of him. The first two were done by my favorite family photographer in June and I love them! The others were ones I won a photography sitting at an auction and were in August and they aren't my favorites, but some of them were pretty cute.

Here are a few of Logan's favorites at FIVE:

Favorite Color: Blue (Aggie Blue, of course!)

Favorite TV Show: Dinosaur Train, Wipeout and Minute to Win It - He gets SO excited for Wipeout and Minute to Win It that I think he jumps the ENTIRE time he watches it! It is hilarious! He has also started turning our house into an obstacle course for the game. When Dad deleted an episode, he was in trouble and when he found out it wasn't coming on anymore (for the fall) he had a complete meltdown!!!

Favorite Movie: He loves ANY movie and gets super excited when we watch a show. We went to Toy Story 3 just before his birthday and I think it is safe to say that is NOT his favorite. I would say his favorite at 5 is probably still Cars, but it could change depending on the day.

Favorite Food: Pizza, Corn Dogs, Chicken Nuggets, anything Chicken, going anywhere out to eat (sounds healthy, huh???) I think his favorite restaurants right now are Firehouse Pizza and Chili's but he loves to go anywhere.

Favorite Teams: Real Salt Lake, the Aggies and the Jazz - He is a Sports nut and knows lots of stats, all the players names and numbers and he frequently breaks into an announcer voice and does commentary for the little games he plays up in his room. He is pretty good actually and may have a future in it. He will announce the starting line-up, sing the national anthem and everything! He also uses his little easel and magnetic numbers to keep score. It is very entertaining! He switches back and forth from sport to sport quite frequently so it is hard to keep up with him! We love it!!!
Favorite Toys: Logan LOVES his Star Wars action figures right now and is always playing something with them. He also loves to play anyone else's Wii (since we don't have one) and would play it ALL day if he could. He loves to play people's cell phones too or games on the computer. He is an electronics nut! He also LOVES his Buffalo that he got from Grandpa Bill when he was really little and sleeps with it every night. He had it forever and never really noticed it until recently and then Buzz, Beckham and Seal-y got the boot and now he sleeps with Buffalo. kind of funny how that works.
Favorite Book: This is a hard one! He loves all books and can read so great! He is really excited for school, too. I think one of his favorites at five is probably Dino-Soccer. He loves that one! He also loves his Cars look and find book.
Best Friend: Probably Morgan Jackman. He loves all his little soccer buddies and loves to go play at anyone's house or have a friend over all the time!
Favorite Place to Go: He loves to go just about anywhere - He loves going to the park, he loves visiting Grandma's, he loves the beach and anything in the water, he LOVES Disneyland and he really liked Sea World! He loves to travel and try new things. He also loves to go to any kind of sporting event.
Favorite Sport: Probably soccer. He also really likes basketball. He really likes any sport though. He is into baseball, football and even hockey!
What he wants to be when he grows up: a Paleontologist - He is pretty certain about this and LOVES all things Dinosaurs! He knows so much about them and even how to correctly pronounce all their names! He is constantly correcting me and Darren.
Logan's five year old stats:
Dang! I can't find the paper! I will have to add this later - I think he was right around 42 inches and 38 pounds....
Logan is so excited to go to school! He has been asking when he can go since his birthday and he realized that once he was five, he was going to school. He didn't realize he had to wait a couple of months. He is a great reader and can even do some math and is very curious about everything and asks lots of questions and tells me he loves science stuff. I love that he loves learning so much! He LOVED going to preschool this last year and loved his teacher Mrs Nicole. He was really sad when it was over.

Logan still sucks his thumb - mostly when he is tired or when he is just sitting watching TV or something. He also still likes to rub other people's thumbs and fingers. I keep thinking he will grow out of it, but he hasn't yet. He has started to wipe off Mom and Dad's kisses and we DON'T like that! He is very sweet though and loves to cuddle, when he is not too busy running around!

Logan loves to tell jokes! Sometimes they are real jokes and sometimes he makes up his own. He thinks they are hilarious though and when he does his laugh, it makes everyone else laugh, too.
Logan is such a sweet boy and the best big brother to his sisters! We are so lucky to have him in our family! He is such a blessing and I can't believe how quickly he is growing into a little man!!!

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